Crafting FOMO

How are you all managing to find time to do your crafts? My little one is nearly 8 weeks old and I've managed 3 rows of crochet as she's a very clingy baby
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At that age I didn’t manage to do much but it gets easier! Mine is 11 months and has a long nap in the day where I try and do some crochet, if not I do some when he’s in bed x

I've not long been able to pick up again, she's 3.5 months and I take advantage of when she goes to bed or down for naps x

I think my little one was about 3.5 months when i could actually do it again. Dont worry you’ll be able to just give it time 🥰

mines 13 months and i still dont get time to do anything 😱

I wasn’t able to do much at that age. Once I put him down to bed a got a couple of hours between feeds if I was lucky. It’s easier once they are a bit bigger and they sleep longer at night/ have 1 longish nap during the day. I do most of my crafting at night once the boys are in bed I tend to work 9pm to 1/2am if I have orders to go out I’m one of those weird people that don’t need much sleep

Mines 8 weeks and I’ve not managed to pick it up again yet but I’ll keep trying

@gemma glad it's not just me 😂

12 weeks here and I've managed about 15 mins of crafting. My little girl doesn't like napping for longer than 25 mins when put down

My little one is 18 months and there's still no time for anything

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