Feeling sad and lonely šŸ˜¢

Sometimes I feel like maternity leave isnā€™t what I pictured. I used to dream of being at home with a baby all day but the reality is quite different. I feel awful for saying this because I love my baby so much, but she can be quite hard work at times, she moans and cries a lot and is hard to entertain. My husband works long hours so isnā€™t able to help out much and my family arenā€™t very helpful. I thought Iā€™d make friends at NCT and baby groups but Iā€™ve struggled. I just feel really down sometimes and like Iā€™m the only person feeling like this. It feels like everyone else has loads of support, happy babies and tonnes of mum friends. Am I the only one who doesnā€™t?
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You're not alone ā¤ļø I've felt very similarly to you. I get very anxious to be out and about with the little one and I see other mums doing it so well and just feel like I haven't tried enough. My little one also struggles to nap on hey own and to feed on the go (hates the bottle and very distracted breastfeeding) so I've felt a bit stuck

I feel this Iā€™ve just started maternity baby not here yet but I feel The Lonely ness xxxx

My favourite place is Asda šŸ¤—šŸ˜‚ not because I actually like it, but when my LO is irritated she likes to be out the house (I could go for a walk) but Iā€™m lazy and would rather go get the essentials + more new baby clothes for her šŸ˜‚ itā€™s amazing what half an hour out the house can do. She enjoys looking around, I give her things to hold and makes it feel like Iā€™ve done atleast something productive (as Iā€™ve got the little bits needed for house) I also thought my maternity would be vastly different- lunches out etc. but reality is Iā€™m home mostly with baby too. I go to quite a few baby groups, all friendly mums however havenā€™t actually made any ā€˜friendsā€™ I do however have a best friend that had twins same time I did, so I do speak to her most days.

I find its easier to be out of the house at least a few days a week even walking to get a coffee. The smaller baby classes are easier to make friends in my experience, instead of mums and tots, as you do introductions so you can figure out who has a similar age baby and use that to start chatting. You need to be the one to ask ā€˜who is coming for coffee girls Im knackeredā€™ as many people are too shy. Get onto the peanut group for your area too and post about a meet up with other local mums. You arent alone but it really helps to be proactive xx

I am definitely with you on this!! And feel awful for admitting it or feeling it sometimes. I also split with my ex when little one was 4 months old and I find some days I am soo lonely! And seeing families out and about together can be really hard so as much as I want to go out sometimes I feel worse out too!!! šŸ˜³ weekends I find even harder cos anyone I do know is with their other halves and everywhere is full of what appear to be happy families. I thought I'd also maybe get used to the few hours I have when little one goes to his Dad but it's just as bad if not worse cos i miss baby!! šŸ˜” xx

Youā€™re not alone! I go back to work end of next month and I canā€™t wait!! I just want that bit of my life back and to be around adults again. Iā€™m a single mum and have been since I found out I was pregnant and had zero support since having my son. Heā€™s 8 half months now and the longest Iā€™ve had to myself since having him is an hour and thatā€™s it. And heā€™s a very very hard baby. I love him to pieces heā€™s my world but he cries and moans every single day.. let me not even start about the tantrums he has too! šŸ˜‚ maternity leave can feel very lonely!

What Iā€™ve learnt is that everyone has their troubles but some people just donā€™t share that and social media would have you believe everyoneā€™s baby journey was fairy tale like. The reality is totally different. Also Iā€™ve learnt that having great babies isnā€™t an indication of what the future holds. All parents have challenges. Some parents just have an unfair number of challenges at the beginning. Hopefully it will get easier for you. Iā€™ve actually stopped going to one of the classes my baby enjoys because I just didnā€™t feel as though I was making friends. I just felt awkward and no one was interested in going for coffee or whatever afterwards. The instructor was lovely but if Iā€™m completely honest I go to the classes for me and my mental health. Going just made me feel much like yourself.

Thank you everyone, it is comforting to hear that Iā€™m not the only one but Iā€™m very sorry to hear there are those feeling the same ā¤ļø

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