How long should I wait to go to GP?

So I’m on cycle day 34. I was due last week, I’m usually 28/29 days and regular. I’ve never missed a period unless I was pregnant. I’m 7 months PP. been having PMS 10 days before my period was supposed to start, I’ve taken 3 tests within the last 3 days and all first thing in the morning. All came out negative - this isn’t right. I’ve never missed a period in the 15 years I’ve had periods. I’ve been having heavy nausea here and there, mood swings etc so all symptoms of pregnancy and period but nothing. Not even my discharge is giving me period vibes. When should I contact my gp?
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Well the most straightforward answer to your question, when to contact gp is when you're concerned, sounds like now. When I got pregnant with my son I had 4 false negative tests over 2 weeks. Potentially reassuring thought is babies change all your hormones and that can change how regular your periods are unfortunately. You may just be experiencing new cycle adjustments now that you're postpartum

I would contact your gp if it’s been 7 days. Since having my daughter 5.5 months ago I’ve been regular every month the same date pretty much 29/30day cycle x

Similar happened to me and the GP wouldn’t see me until I missed 3 periods in a row 😩 I wasn’t pregnant and got my period the next month, I just completely skipped a month with no changes at all in my life and my daughter was like 7 already.

I was the same, periods were all regular until about 8/9 months pp, then I missed 2 periods and went to GP after negative tests. Everything came back fine, hormones and not pregnant. She said it can just take your body a while to adjust after having a baby x

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