April baby

Positive test yesterday after 4 months of TTC. Due daye around 4th April so really early days and was conceived on holiday in Sicily, where my fiancee is from so feels special seeing as they will be born and raised in UK. But I am TERRIFIED! Delighted of course but also terrified. Any advice for first time mums? ❤️
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Inform and educate yourself to the max! Don’t take everything a health professional says for gospel. Do your own reading! No one does a driving test without practice and educating themselves so the same should go for pregnancy and birth. Your baby, your body, your choice!

Thanks! Yes im already reading around and trying to get as much info on everything as possible its just such a minefield!

@Rachael it really is. There is so much out there! I really recommend an antenatal education course, online or in person, online being much cheaper. ‘The Birth Ed Method’ as a fab one, just google it!

I'd highly recommend a midwife over a Dr. At least my experiences in Canada Dr.s are so busy you only get 15 mins you feel like a number and not listened to or explained things to. My midwife experience has been amazing. I get to talk with her for 45 mins ask all sorts of silly questions and she keeps 1 step ahead at all the Apts so I have time to think and research what's best for me so at the next apt I have an educated answer or more questions for what I want and don't want done.

@Amanda Being in the UK she’ll be predominantly seen by a midwife anyway unless ‘risks’ are found then a dr appt might be made/offered to discuss things further :)

@Lottie That's amazing!

@Lottie thanks, I'll look into it! And yes @Amanda we are quite lucky in the UK with midwives. As far as I hear anyway. I'm also lucky to be in Liverpool where we have a dedicated women's hospital so I should be in safe hands I hope!

I have found out on Saturday that we are pregnant! After 22 months of trying!! And we could be due on the 4th too! 🥹

Ohh congratulations @Dominika, that's amazing!! Is it your first too?!

@Rachael yeah this is our first 🥹 waited so long for this. And can’t wait to have baby in our arms in April 🤞🏼

Aw @Dominika so happy for you, the wait must have been agonising, you must be over the moon. I cant wait either! And any time you want to swap stories then do! I'm clueless, it would be nice to have someone to chat to in the same situation.

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