Family issues….

Since my daughter was born my family has not been very supportive because of who I had a child with. I feel bad that they are missing out on her growth but at the same time a part of me is tired of wasting time trying to get them to be more active in her life. Any suggestions on what I should do? Should I let it go and move forward or keep pressing the issue?
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I honestly hate to say this but if they aren’t wanting to then don’t force it. Just show her that no matter what she has you guys! I’m going through some different family issues but I’ve stopped trying to make people be in her life and instead they get to choose. Which yes half the family don’t ask or see my daughter. But she is way happier with the people that want to be there!

I have this with some people as well. I have given up. I like what Mel roberts says. 1.ppl do what ppl want to do, if they want they will do it period 2. You can't change ppl 3. Don't get mad that ppl are who they are. Let it go. We all have diff nervous systems ect diff things that make us operate differently. I found her message freeing. Esp point 3. Other ppl will have to live with regret one day and that's on them. But for me I won't let anger bc off their actions take over my life. I'm me and they are them. It hurts, try to find healing.

I’ll say what my My therapist told me. And she had to keep it real with me because I kept trying. Would you want your baby to feel the same disappointment that you feel by them not showing up for your baby? Her dad is who gave you her life. And if they can’t be happy about her being her then don’t force them to be apart of her life that they are clearly not happy with. It’s tough because then you feel like your baby has no one and then that’s because you don’t have them. They’re actually not supporting you. So build her and yourself a new family. Someone told Relatives are blood, family is who is there for you and genuinely wants to be there. Girl, i know it sucks and Im the last daughter and did not get any if the support my other siblings got. but my baby didn't loose anything because they were never there. and she's as happy as can be. So will your baby!

We had our second during covid. No one really got to know our son, and i felt like no one even TRIED, when the had been over the moon and excited and always actively seeking out time to see us with our first. I know it isn't the same, but i definitely freely some kid of way about every one favoring my daughter. But i got more peace of mind just ignoring it and not pushing to involve them. He's loved and happy, and we had alot led family around him, but he's turning out fine and non the wiser!

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