Is anyone else rd negative and baby positive?? This is my second and was told I would have anti d injections this time round as I am rhesus - and baby is rhesus + I’m quite worried does this change anything? Is anyone else in the same situation?
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When I had my first 2 they didn’t test the baby’s blood, they just gave you the anti d. If the baby is positive then you’ll have anti d injections, one is at 28 weeks and the other is after birth. You will also need anti d if you have a knock to your stomach or if you have any bleeding in your pregnancy. Xx

Yeah I am. Was first pregancy and now this one too! Nothing changes. Just you get 3 injections

Thanks girls I was trying to read up on it but it all seemed so negative

I’m rd negative but not sure of baby’s blood group. They also told me today I would need to have injections but I’m also unsure what else to expect, this is my first!

@Shani I got a blood test at 16 week appt then found out baby was positive about week and half after. Have you have your 16 week appt x

@Hannah yes I had my 16 week appt today, that’s when it was mentioned to me. Silly question but can they tell baby’s blood group by taking your blood or how do they do that? I should have asked but have a few other issues and had so much to take in today x

@Shani yeah they take your blood and work out the babies. But assume it’s positive or negative from results they can’t say for definite x

You should get a letter for you to book a blood test, the blood test is called fetal rhesus d screening, I think, they take your blood and can see what the baby’s blood type is from it. If they don’t do the fetal blood test at your trust then they will assume your baby’s blood is positive and give you the anti d at 28 weeks and after birth. They will also give you extra if you need it.. don’t read too much into rhesus negative on google, it will bring up all kinds of negative things, ie rhesus disease, which is really really rare as the anti d works. So try not to worry about it, I think my kids are positive and I had 0 problems with them.. hope that helps, feel free to message me if you have any questions or want to talk xx

I’m also RH negative and baby is RH positive. First baby and I’ve just been told I’ll need to have the anti d injection at 28 weeks and after birth. Will also need the injection if I have any bleeding or knocks to belly x

Thank you all! That’s helpful to know xx

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