Isolating ☹️

No one ever warned me that pregnancy could be this isolating. Before I became pregnant my significant other’s family would constantly reach out to talk now that I am they never do. My one and only friend has begun lying to me about being sick constantly so we haven’t seen each other or really talked much in months. On top of it my family barely reaches out at all. I feel like I have no one but my partner. It’s caused me to become very depressed and a little hopeless. Has anyone else gone through something similar? Any suggestions? Advice? (Photo for attention)
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Let tell you the truth once you have that baby you gone really feel it . I just told myself I miss being a girl and not a mom . Being a mom is the most stressful job on earth you can’t quit . I hope your partner is a supportive person cause they lie when they say it gets better

Have u reached out to them? Ur partners side of family? How long has it been since talking to them. Do u think ur partner knows why and not saying. I’m sorry this has happened to you. Even tho I had my family it still feels lonely, once baby is out then that goes away kinda in a sense because ur being kept busy.

I feel the same it’s like no one cares enough to be there and acts the complete opposite of what u thought. I think it’s nice if u can find a few friends on here that are also going through pregnancy because they can relate to what ur going through. You can also try to reach out to loved ones too ?

You. Are. Not. Alone. This is a new phase girl and not only me, but the friends I have now have experienced very similar situations. Take it as it is, I sat and watched as all of these people in my life disappeared after being pregnant. I also watched as some of them reappeared magically when baby was born. This is a new phase of life and a lesson and just as you change with this pregnancy, so will your entire life. Your entire mindset and trajectory. You and that baby are the most important thing and trust me, new people and opportunities will come. ♥️

@Aileen I update everyone about the pregnancy as it’s been going along I even let MIL come to an ultrasound after that it’s just been radio silence even though I still update everybody. I’ve talked to my partner and I don’t think he knows why everyone it’s like this 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ feel the same way , but I’m just taking it day by day and praying for better days and ready for this to be over soon honestly . My mom has been supportive, although we are in different states she’s been on my side . It definitely feels very long and lonely .

Once you become pregnant everyone starts showing their true colors. If they aren't there for you while you're going through the biggest change in your life then they don't need to be on your list of priorities. I lost a lot of friends and family once I got pregnant and it just showed me who actually cares.

I will say, my family and husband have been here more than my friends have. I actually lost friends when I became pregnant. People are here for a season and that’s ok! God is making room for better people in this phase of your life.

I felt the same tbh pregnancy can make you feel alone and depressed I know I was I was miserable the whole time I was pregnant but when you finally get to hold your baby I things will change that’s how it was for me the moment I got to hold my baby all those bad feelings went away I hope you feel better 🫶🏽 I know it’s hard but you got it

@Jackie I’m sorry that’s happening and I hope things get back to normal at least when baby is here so they all can start bonding 🥺

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