My 20 month old daughter has literally for the past two days done NOTHING but throw tantrums!!!! Nothing helps! She just crys and screams, we try the gentle method, the stepping aeay and letting get herself together, but when she smacked me and my husband we had no choice but spanking ( just to say we NEVER spank her, weve never had to!) so its this bad. We dont what flipped in her brain, if this is trouble 2’s, ive done addressed hunger, juice, spending even more time with her, letting her get her energy out, but i know like before its bedtime. She. Is a. Nightmare even more. Please don’t judge, ive literally tried everything i know and i just need fresh air to come in and help me to see what i can do!!!
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Ear plugs. Let me repeat it because your ears are still ringing a little. You need ear plugs! You always have a choice not to spank, but I can tell you're at the end of your rope, and you already know, so, no lecture. Start by assuming something is up. She may have teeth coming in that are very painful, or she may be getting sick and is just physically and emotionally exhausted. This would happen to me right before my kids would be sick, and then, of course, I'd feel terrible for being mad at them. Maybe plan a few days where you scale back any activities and just stay home unless she asks to leave the house. If you are a tv house, watch some shows together and serve noodles and other soft foods for meals. If you have any tricks from when she was a baby, bring them out. For bedtime routine, do a video on your phone for fun (we liked Winnie the Pooh song) and then speed through the crying and brushing teeth (with ear plugs!) until you get to story time. There aren't really trouble 2s, just struggling kids.❤️🍀

Yess, thats what i was gona say, she may be teething and dont feel well. Sorry mama, this shall pass though

Make sure she is getting enough sleep! 10-12hrs at night and 1-2 hour nap. Find a way to make bedtime special.

In my experience, most tantrums are caused by frustration and we simply don't understand what they want. Usually it helps when I TRULY try understanding what my 20 months old wants in that moment. The other day he simply wanted the wet brush I was brushing my freshly washed hair with... (I didn't really want him to have it, not to eat it or make a mess but for the peace keeping (tantrum was coming on) I gave it to him. And then he really melted my heart because he simply wanted it for helping me combing my hair... In situations where I really can't give him what he wants I explain why he can't have it and next step is distracting, distracting, distracting. With that strategy I'm happy to report we never have had a big tantrum.

I second both making sure she is getting adequate sleep and trying to understand what they want… once it was to take his foot off after taking the sock off… it may never make sense. My son has decided to not nap the last three days and instead fall asleep around 4/5 and wake around 6/6:30 so he is still getting sleep but by 4 he is starting tantrums and he never does but he is tired.

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