Is anyone else struggling with their 3 1/2 yr old?

I am 37 weeks pregnant with my second and I feel like he is just a nightmare atm. He plays up at everything; dinner and bed times are daily battles and I’m not sure I can keep doing this. I literally broke down and cried last night I can’t do this much more. Can anyone help with advice or relate? Don’t get me wrong we have Amazing times too, he’s a wonderful little character but I’m dreading evenings. Thank you.
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Hiya! Yes, same! Mine turns into the devil in the evenings, he's never been good eater or anything anyway but since my second (who is 9 months old now) has come along his behaviour and interst in food and bedtime has got worse. I thought when my second started to wean he'd start eating more too but nope! I'm hoping it's just a phase and he's just acting out for attention over the baby but not sure what to do in meantime! Hope you're OK! And congrats & good luck with the baby, we will get through it eventually 😂 xx

Hi, can I ask when did he start being difficult? We had a really really awful time with our then 2.5 YO when I was about 33+ weeks pregnant. We had talked to her about baby coming and her getting a sister etc but when my belly got really big she seemed to start being a complete arse. It was all tantrums about control and not wanting to do basic/essential things. We realised from speaking to friends it was all about the fact she had finally realised a huge change was coming and it was the lack of control and fear she felt about the unknown causing her behaviour. As soon her sister arrived and she realised nothing really would change other than she got a “new toy” (ie a real baby) she was a different child and back to her normal self. Hope this helps 🩷

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