2 year old hitting and pinching

My 2 year old girl is terrible at pinching and hitting ATM, I recall my 3 year old son did it for a phase but this seems worse. Any advice on how to deal with it, I've tried not reacting and just saying no but she just laughs and does it more. It usually takes me getting annoyed and raising my voice for her to stop, which is not what I want to do but I'm feeling so frustrated at the moment and unable to stop it. Any help very welcome
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Disapline? Like tell her no hit or pinch her back and " hit her " back ( not hard ) and if she cries tell her " that hurts doesn't it, you don't hit mama ". I discipline my 2 year old son with spanking and slapping the hand cuz he will misbehave. You have to discipline because if you don't stop it now you won't stop it when they're teens.

I would pinch her to let her know what it feels like without being angry or fussing about it. Once she pinches you, tell her that hurts and pinch her to show her. Then make her say or sign hurt. The problem is she doesn’t understand that she’s hurting you yet. If you get her to y sweat and pinching and labeling hurt, you won’t need to “demonstrate” with hitting

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