It breaks my heart..

So this morning my daughter told me that she doesn’t like it here, she likes it at her dad’s because she gets to do fun things.. I know she’s a toddler, obviously she doesn’t understand, but her dad only has her every other weekend. Of course they get to do fun things! How do you speak to a 4 year old about this? Because I’m the one who has to do all the parenting and the hard stuff, he never has and couldn’t handle it honestly. He gets to be fun dad and I’m the devil. I’m so sad 💔
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This must be so hard to hear. I think maybe just explaining to her that she’s with you more so it’s hard to always think of new fun things to do together but that you’ll see what you can do and tell her you think it’s lovely that she has fun with her dad. That way she doesn’t feel bad for having that opinion and she’ll be excited to do fun things with you :) Maybe explaining to her that you have to do some boring things to make sure she’s looked after and healthy enough so that she can go and do fun things Just playing games and taking her out on walks and calling them ‘adventures’ together could help, you don’t have to spend much to do something fun together luckily x

Just explain that as daddy only sees her a few days that he has time to do the boring things when she's with you to make sure that when they are together, they can do the fun things But as she is with you more you have to do the boring things and the fun things together but even though it's boring it's still very important to do to keep her healthy and safe (food shopping, cleaning, bath times etc) and daddy does his boring things while she's not there but all grown ups do them so if she did see daddy more it wouldn't all be fun things there. It can be hard but at 4 she can understand that all.grown ups have to do grown up things even if they don't see the grown ups doing them.

This makes me sad to read but it's something I relate to. I've heard this before too and my set up is the same as yours, he's there for the fun stuff and that's it. But hun remember kids speak very freely and are very black and white it that respect -"daddys fun so mummy's not". They also speak in the moment, maybe at that point in time she was bored. as she gets older she will come to understand that you are the centre of her universe and the person that keeps everything going. Us mums feel so much guilt for things but it shouldn't be that way. My girls are 4 and 8 and I found talking to them about what kinds of things they want to do helped. We made an activity jar of their ideas which is now something they both look forward to doing with me even when we have a day in there are ideas like painting or building a Fort in there! As ideas came from them so it's fun in itself to make and decorate the jar. My 4 year old enjoys anything if I make it a challenge/engage her imagination, even helping me clean!x

I have a 4 year old who sleeps at his dads every other Friday and Saturday night And I have a nearly 9 month old who doesn’t stay with Dad yet. My 4 year old has said many times that he has more fun at Dads ect Of course he does … why? Because his dad is happy to have him for the weekend and just play the Xbox with him and let him play games on his phone and also have more daddy play fights ect Me ….. I feed him better foods , I take him out on fun day trips , I educate him , I do lots of cooking cleaning , shop for all his wardrobe , do all the laundry , you name it I do it But no there’s no Xbox ect or sitting on my phone playing games all weekend. And I obv take care of the little one on my own. But I hear Daddy daddy ….. I have learnt to not let it get to me At the age of 4 they don’t understand all we do and the importance of it all I know he still loves me ect so I literally just try not to take it to heart anymore and not worry about it for now.

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