People messaging for updates

God I’m so sick of receiving stupid messages from everyone… “Is anything happening” “Is she here yet” “I’m bored of waiting for baby updates” - my personal fav I’m 41+1 and going a little crazy, plus my blood pressure has also gone up and is on the border of needing treatment. Do I ignore these messages or set my pregnancy hormones on them? 😂 A ‘I’m thinking of you and hope you’re ok’ would be nice!
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I feel awful about it but Iv started ignoring them/leaving them unread. If I respond with any honesty to say I’m a bit fed up of waiting they only respond with ‘baby will come when they’re ready’ which is even more annoying 😂😂

I totally understand! In week 41 I was going insane with the messages but had my baby at 41+2 as I started to swell up and decided to intervene in his ongoing stay with an eviction notice. I just ignored the messages from people I don’t speak to often and to the closer friends or family who could take it, I replied with something along the lines of ‘thank you for your messages, I’m still pregnant and will let you know when the baby is here’ which I think is a clear ‘eff off!’

@Harriet Exactly this! I say I’m fed up and I get “Baby will come when they’re ready” and then I’m like, “No baby will come anytime after Thursday because I’m having an induction so she’s being served her eviction notice” 😂🩷

Honestly they are the worst! I haven’t had the “I’m bored of waiting for updates” but that’s so rude! 🤯 I hate the ones of everyone suggesting things to try - old wives tales. Like I haven’t tried loads already. I just reply at the end of the day. It’s so frustrating though. Receiving messages from people who don’t usually message me just wanting to know if baby is here. MIL is excited and it’s so cute but she’s the worst messaging me multiple times a day and suggesting things for me to try. 🤯 I’ve already told her that I will message her when there is news.

I've had 'any update yet?' and 'have you tried stair walking' from both sister in laws neither of whom I'm particularly close to. I pointed out I live in a town house, so stairs are part of daily life', to the one with the stairs comment. And the other I said 'I'll let you know when baby is here.' One SIL is off on holiday next month so even when baby is here she won't be, which is fine by me haha. I muted a few WhatsApps due to their constant advice. I was thinking last night why don't they ask my husband, it might be a little nicer to aim some questions to him, rather than me.

@Abby haha I'm in same boat eviction notice if Friday for my girl

@Jenna (Jen) Ah bless you. It would have been nice for them to come by themselves and have a “naturally occurring” labour but, ultimately, we all get the same prize at the end of it. I’m fully accepting now of my induction tomorrow and I’m quite excited. Hope things go well with you too. 🩷

@Jenna (Jen) Agreed with this. Messages from MIL and SIL. I said to my partner, “Why aren’t they messaging you?! You know as much as me about where baby is at.” 😂😂

Bored of waiting for updates 😅 it's your life event not theirs, they can get over it! Even post baby I am leaving people on read.

I ended up ignoring them! One person I’ve only known for a few months was sending me 5or 6 messages a day asking if she had arrived and then what exercises to do to get her to come! I honestly got so sick of it I only answered the phone to my parents and partner!

Block them. Doesn't have to be forever, you can unblock in a few days, but it'll give you some peace for now.

I'm 41 weeks today and the messages are constant, I'm getting so frustrated with it all! I started ignoring them and someone rang my husband to ask if I was in labour since I hadn't answered my phone 🤦‍♀️ I've been dreaming of a natural labour but I've had people messaging me with a countdown to when I'll have to be induced which was just upsetting and adding to my stress and anxiety, I don't know what people are thinking!

Omg I’m getting these! And I’m 37 weeks. I’m being induced on Tuesday and people just keep messaging everyday being “is he here yet” “have you popped” “any more twinges” I do get the hey how are you, and then those questions follow almost straight afterwards 🥲 It’s a love hate relationship with all my family and in-laws right now 😂

I keep getting messages telling me not to worry that baby isn't here things are happening and they are sure I'm heading in to labour. No things aren't happening which is why I'm not in labour 🤦‍♀️ I love that everyone is excited to meet my little one but after having fertility issues and then going over due I am more than desperate to finally have my baby in my arms so the constant comments are really bugging me now.

I deactivated my social media platforms for this exact reason! My partner made a group chat including everyone immediate we want to update and he has stressed in there that we will tell people when there are any updates, so if we haven’t messaged, there isn’t any news - in other words, leave us alone and you’ll know when we know. I’ve found this has eased my guilt about not replying to direct messages because it’s been super overwhelming to deal with, especially being 41 weeks and having this go on for 3 weeks!

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