Brushing teeth nightmare!!

My little boy absolutely hates having his teeth done that it's getting to the point that I can't get them done throughly enough. I noticed recently he's had smelly breath only way I can describe is like a fish smell🤢. I've tried the finger tooth brush and he still kicks of and screams. I end up having to pin him down just to do them which I think is traumatising him more. I'm at a wits end because I don't want he's teeth to end up rotting and going through what I went through as a kid. I've never forgot having mine pulled when I was little and I don't want them same for him. Any suggestions? 😭
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I have the same with my daughter. I have to pin her down and I know it’s awful because they are screaming and crying but it is for their own good. Have you tried an electric toothbrush?

My little boy absolutely loved brushing his teeth. He used to brush them around 7 times a day. But arm I’m going through the same. I have to listen to him screaming every morning because he hates me doing it. So following for some tips too x

My boy loves brushing his teeth, but he chomps down on the toothbrush to suck it 😂 super frustrating! Don't know how to stop him!

Can you just let your little boy play with the toothbrush first and then he will get used to it. Clean the toys teeth first? A Teddy? The more negative and traumatic it is for him, he will associate that with his toothbrush and brushing his teeth with being pinned down. You can't blame him for not wanting to brush his teeth. I used to work on the Paediatric ward and holding a child down will never help just make the situation worse. Would you want to be pinned down to have something you don't like done to you?

My little one was hating it but I noticed he showed an interest in his brothers electric toothbrush, so I bought him one and it’s been much easier since

@Becky (Can't see waves) no I wouldn't like to be pinned down but surely the trauma of having all your teeth pulled because of refusing to brush is far much worse? Am I supposed to not brush his teeth just because he doesn't want to? Yes I've let him play with it he used to be fine with having them brushed. Its just these past few months he is getting worse. I came here for advice if you have any?????

@Kerri no I haven't but its in my shopping list now so I will give it a go 🙂

Have you taken him to the dentist for advice? I saw that boots had an electric Disney themed cars tooth brush so I bought that my son plays with it and the water whilst I brush his teeth (he doesn’t like the electric toothbrush for brushing) once I’ve done the majority of the brushing I then give him the tooth brush to finish brushing he mostly just sucks it still.

@Tanya he's been to the dentist twice and because he doesn't let them look in his mouth they don't pressure him to have a look 🤷‍♀️. But last he went we wasn't having the issue of refusal brushing his teeth so it wasn't a problem. I just don't want it to spiral out of control to him not brushing at all. I'm going to try an electric tooth brush

Hopefully it’s just a phase if he use to let you brush his teeth. Could his molars be coming through?

@Tanya quite possibly as ever 9ther day he can be drooling and he has been really snotty past 2 weeks. His fangs still haven't fully come through so I know he's still got some sensitivity if brush anywhere near them. Maybe it is a phase and hopefully it will pass. Could be even like you said more teeth to come through

We give our little boy a phone to watch, just a few minutes of Miss Rachel does the trick. We were on the same position a few months ago about it was unbearable. The screen was a game changer and we couldn’t believe it

Cartoons save us 😅 this is the only time when we use it during the day so while she completely busy with watching it I can do 4 min brush

I heard that children have their teeth treated under general anesthesia, it is not known what is more traumatic: screaming or potential anesthesia

Maybe try a nursery rhyme for brushing teeth, and then try doing it? Does he like to wash his hands and play with water? I find when my LB is washing his hands and is busy with water, he let's me brush his teeth. Otherwise it's a straight up No to me 😭

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We have the same with our little girl. I bought an electric toothbrush - brushbaby which she likes and started doing her teeth in front of the mirror so she could watch herself. I also sometimes give her an adult sized toothbrush to hold while I'm doing hers then we rinse her toothbrush and the adult one and she brush her teeth with that one. I think its very much trial and error but I found having her in front of the mirror to be a bit of a game changer. If not that, we also use a book to distract her and read it while we brush her teeth. Good luck!

We roll out boy up in a blanket as part of a massive game that leads up to us brushing his teeth 😅 it sounds like it might take you a while to get there but could you build up to it with something really fun?

We go on YouTube and watching blippi Toothbrush song and 'copy' what he does and listen to the instructions. We started this after my son was refusing to brush his teeth following hand foot and mouth as his mouth was sore but once it was better he just kept refusing. He is absolutely fine with it now thanks to this video. If your little one watches anything try searching for their favourite character and seeing if they do a toothbrushing song or episode x

We have a mixed bag on this too. I’ve had her older cousin do a video of her brushing her teeth so LG could copy, then hey duggee toothbrush badge - very catchy song, electric toothbrush but she hates it. She mainly sucks or chews on it. My mum told LG how to clean teeth so I just say “Nanny told you to clean your teeth” seems to work this week!

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