Baby number 2 & breastfeeding 🤱

SO, me and my husband had sex about three times before we fell pregnant with baby number one. We want a small age gap between the two, but I’m unsure when to start trying? I’m BF and will continue to do so until our child is about 18 months old. Although the amount I BF will obviously decrease quite substantially during that time. I haven’t had a period for a long time since I’m BF and I’m assuming it won’t come back until I’m feeding much less or stop completely. When would you advise trying? How long did it take for you to get pregnant whilst BF? How do you know when you’re ovulating if you don’t have a period?
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It depends. Sometimes people can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding. So I would just start having sex without protection or anything when you want. Idk how old your baby is now. But think about the kind of age gap you might want and start trying then. Sometimes people get pregnant before their first period comes or they might have to finish breastfeeding

It’s really individual. My period came back around 11 months pp, but they were infrequent. I breastfed until my eldest was 24 months, but fell pregnant at 17 months pp. I have friends that were nursing and fell pregnant earlier. One of them found it hard to nurse past 4 months pregnant. Some people won’t have a period until they wean entirely. Some get it back at 6 weeks postpartum. Mine returned once my child decreased their milk intake, and became more regular as they took less milk.

You could track discharge in an attempt to estimate when you’ll ovulate. I’m using an oura ring paired with naturalcycles now, but that only confirms an ovulation after it’s occurred. I’m 12 months pp with my second and haven’t ovulated yet. Also- if you’re thinking about a second. Try to really take care of yourself nutrition wise. Nursing + two pregnancies is a lot to ask of the body!

Protection from breast feeding only lasts maximum for 6 months and in many cases people get pregnant much sooner because they didn’t use other forms of protection. It’s completely individual how long it will take you to get pregnant so just keep using protection until you’re ready to start trying and hope for the best.

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