
I’m forever feeling stretched and ‘stingey’. Really don’t want to leave the step kids out but I can’t physically afford for them to come everytime. How does everyone else manage this? Do you get your partner (their dad) to pay for everything that they’re involved in? We used to split everything that we did, but it was getting to the point where because I was booking things for us to do I was paying for it, being told he would transfer me and then he was never giving me the money back. I have said it’s only fair that he pays for his kids and we both split the cost of our child but I can’t help feeling guilty that he has to pay for himself and 2.5 kids and I only have to pay for myself and half of our child?? Please if anyone has any finances advice. I’m on a lot smaller wage than my partner and I’m really struggling, especially with summer holidays now here I can feel myself getting very overwhelmed.
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His kids are not your financial responsibility at all. Of course you can pay for them and treat them if you wish. He does need to be paying for your step kids if you plan days out. Or if you have a separate pot that you both put money into for days out then you could possibly use that. My husband pays for his son and there has been instances where I have too. But mainly it falls under my husbands responsibility.

If you also have your step children during the holidays look at doing free stuff with them like parks, walks, playing in the garden. Look online for free days out near you. Then that keeps everyone happy x

Are you together for the long run? If so, why can’t you put your finances as one instead of splitting everything

@Angel yes of course but due to wages I’m left with £250 a month to myself and he’s left with £900 so it’s never an even playing field and I have to be the one to constantly say we can’t afford it!

You should put your money together and it should be both your money so that would be £1,150 left over for both of you to plan what to spend it on. Activities, personal care, kids etc. you shouldn’t split it to his money and my money. That’s what causes arguments and one person struggling

Either pool your finances, split bills percentage wise so you’re both left with equal amounts after bills, get him to book some things eg let’s do this you book it I booked the last one or do as you’re considering! Kids are expensive and you and yours will miss out because you’re funding his whilst he’s sat with higher earnings!? Me and my partner pretty much share finances.. eg he pays most the household bills and I pay for everything for the kids. Works for us! BUT if either of us say oh we need X or Y we know the other will transfer the money if we’re short! But I also don’t only book stuff to involve SD or even my son from a previous relationship! Sometimes we’re a 5, sometimes a 4 sometimes a 3 and sometimes a 2 for some 1-1 time!

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