Does cervical stitch help?

Dear all, I was exactly 22 weeks pregnant yesterday, when I advised to have a stitch and preferably as soon as possible. My cervix length was 35mm at 18 week and in 4 weeks it came down to 20mm. NHS told me it’s better to have the stitch done as it will be more difficult if the measurement decreases. I had been using 200mg progesterone twice a day for 11 days and now I am told to use 400mg every night instead. I am waiting for the hospital to call me for a stitch operation on this Friday. Everything happened so quick and I am really worried. The doctor told me there is a risk of miscarriage when they are doing the operation. I am worried to lose my baby. How was your experience with stitch and did you manage to continue to full term? I am 39 years old and this is my first baby.
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I got the stitch at 20 weeks my cervix is way shorter than yours it’s about 11-14mm. I am now at 26 weeks just need to stay off your feet and take it easy. I am hopeful I will make it to full term

Also, there’s always going to be a risk with surgery , they typically do not do the stitch at 24 or after since there is a chance they can break your water. The earlier the better

I got the stitch at 21 weeks when the length had reduced to 24mm despite being on progesterone. I am now 26 weeks so feel like it’s working.

@La'Bria thank you, I hope all goes well with you as well. I am also expecting a girl:) I was advised to stay in bed. It has only been a day but I find it difficult:(

@Josceline thank you, may I ask where you had the stitch done? I live in Essex in Southend but I was told I will need to have the operation in London. I am scared as I don’t have much time to do any research :( good luck to you as well and hope we make it to full term.

@Zuzu I had mine done at Darent Valley in Kent and it was a positive experience. They have a pre-term clinic there and the consultant I’d been seeing for the scans was the one who performed the stitch which was reassuring. They were my local hospital though so didn’t do any research to select a hospital specifically for the procedure.

@Josceline I see thank you very much.

There’s a Facebook group called Incompetent Cervix Support Group that has a lot more people who have had similar experiences. Maybe one of them has tried a hospital in London

@Josceline thank you! I don’t have Facebook but will try to have a look from my husbands or mother in laws accounts:)!

I got a stitch at 21 weeks and also on 200mg progesterone I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and baby is good.

@Zuzu Thankyou! Same to you, I would definitely recommend staying off your feet as much as possible at least until you get the stitch. You still wanna stay off your feet then too but not as strict. It’s been a little boring and lonely for me staying in bed but I have friends and family visit often. I’m also a property manager so getting some time to bum it out has actually been great to relieve stress. Just know it’s temporary and it’s for the health of you and baby girl. Time will fly by ! ❤️

@Josceline I was in this group and I had to leave it. It was giving me anxiety lol personally. I know there’s one that isn’t pregnancy related but even this one had some sad stories in it 😔

I had my rescue cerclage placed at 23 weeks with a cervical length of 14mm. They HAVE to tell you worst case scenario to basically save their ass if something does go wrong. I’d say the sooner the better. I was on progesterone suppositories as well and still taking them with the cerclage in place. Had my steroid shot done yesterday just in case the cerclage doesn’t work but I’m hopeful that we will all carry to term! Good luck🤍

@La'Bria :) I didn’t not want to read anything as I have anxiety and get sad when I read the sad stories too but also reading the feedback here made me feel better. I am more positive now thanks to all the comments. I hope all will go well for all the ladies here and we will hold our healthy babies in our hands. I am usually not used to asking for help or support but now I need it more than ever :) pregnancy changes people :))

@Kristen that’s very good to hear! 🙏🏻How long was your cervix when you had the stitch and did it remain the same length after the stitch?

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@Liz thank you! Good luck to you as well. What week are you in currently? Did you have any problems after the operation? It doesn’t seem like it’s as bad as the doctors tell me :)

@Zuzu i’m 24 weeks so it’s only been a week since the procedure but the only thing that’s been consistently bothering me is my back because of the spinal tap. Right now I’m just happy to have made it to viability week and focusing on celebrating the small wins for now😊

Congratulations on your first pregnancy!! I got an emergency stitch during my last pregnancy at 21 weeks & carried my son to full term. I’m now 17 weeks with this pregnancy & I went ahead & had a preventative stitch put in on Monday. So far so good. The cerclage absolutely saved my son’s life, I’d recommend it to anyone with a short cervix

It works! I got my stitch at 22 weeks, it was an emergency situation and I was so worried about losing my baby too. I had the stitch out at 36 weeks, baby arrived at 38+6 & she turns 6 months on Sunday 🥰. I had mine done at Queen Charlotte in London. Wishing you all the best xx

@Liz sorry to hear about your back, I hope it feels better soon. Thank you I wish all the best for you.

@Kayyy✨ thank you! I hope I carry my girl too! And congratulations and good luck with your second pregnancy as well!

@Siobhan thank you very much!!! Happy 6 months!

I was 8mm at 25 weeks. Had cervical stitch. Made it to 39 weeks. It was a rough journey with constant threatening labour but baby is now 3 months old and thriving. You've got thus c

Hey! I’ve had a stitch on nhs, had it placed at 19 weeks due to funnelling and my cervix measuring 17mm… I had it removed at 36 weeks and I’m currently 39 weeks tomorrow! Go for the stitch it will give you peace of mind plus a normal pregnancy, I have a active 3 year old and my doctor wanted me to carry on as normal :) xxx

@Gillian glad you made it! I had my stitch on Thursday at 20mm. I hope I will make it to term 🙏🏻

@Corey well done to you! I had mine on Thursday in Southend hospital (nhs). Everything seems to be ok so far. Now I try to rest and not do much:)

I had the stich at 20weeks when cervix was down to 5mm. It was a difficult task but it did its job. Keep taking the progesterone. Up the back passage is less messy I found.

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