Doula (none clinical midwife)

Not only am I looking for a mum friend(s) I am also a doula working with families/women to have the pregnancy and birth thst would like and some 'wild pregnancies/free births x
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How many women have you helped? What training have you had to become a doula?

So you have a lot more knowledge than years of experience delivering babies and a degree? That's a very dangerous attitude to be spreading on social media. Tell me, what do you do if a baby gets stuck in a birth canal and time is of the essence? Or a baby is born not breathing?

@Mikaila not to add that these professionals have to personally deliver 40 babies before qualifying & minimum 3 years training full time before they can call themselves midwives.

@Laura I’m not sure I believe you have more knowledge than professionals 😅 what courses have you done?

@Laura I do research EVERYTHING. I have several health conditions and have always researched and advocated for myself when it comes to treatment. For my baby and birth I know exactly what I want, I want as little intervention as possible but I also strongly believe it is dangerous for uneducated people to be giving advice just because they have had children. I found this post strange because you don’t mention being a doula anywhere on your page and if you were that educated you would be able to share what qualifications etc that you hold.. Doula’s aren’t very regulated in the UK and there isn’t actually a great deal you need to do to ‘qualify’ but your comments concern me and I wouldn’t want somebody to see this and pay you money for a service you are unqualified to provide

I have several family members including my own mother who is or has been a midwife. So I’m talking from personal experience. These women have been fundamental to my pregnancy and have answered every question I’ve had. For you to tell me they know little is just insulting to their hardwork and expertise. Education doesn’t mean a thing yet you’ve previously taken several courses & still doing more to become a doula; also stated you have other qualifications. Are courses not a form of education ? Make it make sense. You have upset people by insulting those who have worked hard to qualify in order to boost your own credentials and ego. That’s not how you go about selling yourself and when you do it on a public platform, you open yourself up to responses, whether you like them or not.

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