Abbey swimming pool

Has anyone been to abbey sports leisure centre swimming? Is the pool warm? Thanks šŸ˜Š
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Iā€™ve been once and wouldnā€™t really recommend, while the pool is lovely, the changing rooms are upstairs, you have to walk through the hallway past the gym which is completely glass and down a set of stairs to the pool and then back up again while soaking wet, very awkward being watched by people in the gym while walking šŸ˜¬ but it that doesnā€™t bother you then itā€™s okay, pool is great and yes itā€™s warm :)

@Rhia oh god great canā€™t wait now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…

Hopefully you find it okay, I was just so uncomfortable, I took my little boy to a swimming lesson trial and loved it but I just couldnā€™t do that every time so we never went back ā˜¹ļøšŸ˜‚

@Rhia we normally go to west gate school but itā€™s closed for the summer so going there instead šŸ™ˆ I will definitely be very uncomfortable tho šŸ„“ already looking forward to it being over haha xx

Not been yet but we normally go to west gate and have signed up for here while itā€™s closed too! Got our LO a little wetsuit incase itā€™s cold!

@Leesha I went on Thursday! It was ok but the pool was freezing compared to west gate šŸ˜¢ the walk to the pool is fine I just wrapped my towel round and thereā€™s plenty of hooks to hang up towels on down there. Bring flip flops or something though cause you have to go down stairs and theyā€™re really slippy x

@Megan Ooh okay! Weā€™re signed up for Thursdays too! I missed last week but hoping to take her this week!

@Megan hiya! Do you know if you can have people sit and watch like west gate or are you on your own!

@Leesha thereā€™s very limited seats dotted around the edge but yeah they can x

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