Terrible twos

I’m finding this stage really challenging it’s just so hard. She’s starting to speak but a lot of time she trying so hard to say something but I’ve no idea what she means. We’re both getting so frustrated. She’s throwing tantrums left right and centre and I just don’t know how to deal with them. I can’t leave her to cry it out because it doesn’t work as it just takes longer to calm her down and settle after. I give in to her and give her what she wants but it’s never enough because she’ll kick off over something else 2 minutes later. I end up looking at her just scratching my head at what could possibly be wrong for her to be crying and whinging like that- I can’t figure it out!
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Have you maybe asked her to show you if it's really unintelligible? You're not alone though, my LG will kick off over random things as well, but learning to manage these feelings they're having is a big part of their development and we just got to ride it out 🥲 we try to compromise with our girl e.g. if she desperately wants to take a toy to nursery, it comes with us, but stays in the car for pick up in the exact place she leaves it. Little things like that have helped.

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