Am I pregnant

4 days overdue on my period but still testing negative. Has this happened with anyone? If I am not pregnant, why has my period not come. I’m never ever late!
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This was me last month. I was 8 days over and im always on time. Kept testing negative. Sometimes are bodies just like to mess with us or if youve been stressed recently or had any weight changes that can mess with it xx

I had the same thing last month! AF arrived 6 days late

Yes, is very normal, it happened with my second and third, with my second the test just said it was a oriné infection and the third one I saw my period till I was nearly 3 month.

Wait for another 2/3 weeks

Sometimes our period can change because of stress and other Reason

Thanks everyone. Period arrived 6 days late. Very strange for me but I guess it happens when lots going on could have been stress. Will see this month what my period decides to do!

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