Free Los Angeles pregnancy/ birth classes or suport groups

Hi everyone I’m Tiana, I’m 26 and this is my first pregnancy. I’m 35 weeks and 2 days today and I feel really nervous about becoming a mom so soon. I haven’t been able to find many resources or classes to help me connect with other new moms or prepare for birth and motherhood in August. I need any help I can get please! I’ve been on my own for most of this pregnancy trying my best to stay positive but it’s overwhelming sometimes.
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Most hospitals offer parenting classes look up your local hospitals website, they might offer some.

Definitely prioritize parenting classes over birthing classes. Do both if you can, but if you only have time for one, a parenting class is going to have more lasting impact. Just know, everyone is anxious their first child. You will google every hiccup or breathing speed or sleeping need, etc etc. I’m on my first and it does become easier once you are in it. Not the sleep deprivation. But the other stuff like feedings/diapers/burping/babywearing/contact naps eventually becomes easy. Just know when it’s hard, they change about every 2 weeks. And yet as soon as you think you have it figured out, their needs change again. And when it feels really hard, suddenly you’ll have a really easy day. So just keep going. Take it one day at a time.

Go to your hospitals website, there are classes through them that are free and its 100% worth it. Take the lactation and birthing course. They’re provided by qualified labor and delivery nurses and you will feel more confident once you take them.

Hello Tiana, I’m a doula and can send you some free resources. Let me know!

Right! I went to Huntington Hospital and I registered for their free online classes with a live teacher. Technically it’s for patients, but there didn’t seem to be any check when registering or when attending. If your hospital doesn’t offer it you should try and see if you can register the classes at

@Serena I also did mine through Huntington Hospital! I think the “network” they’re in was called Baby Live Advice

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