When to tell Work?

When does everyone plan to tell work that they’re pregnant? I got advice to wait until I’m 20 weeks, since that is when miscarriage likelihood is super low. But I’m thinking I’ll probably already be showing a belly weeks before then? Would love to hear everyone’s experience / opinion!
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I told work before our families because of the laws in CA and federally protecting pregnant women and allowing accommodations for things like appts, breaks, etc . I think I was 7 weeks with my first and 10 with my 2nd.

I told my work the week after I found out, I think I was only a 4 or 5 weeks but my work is pretty laid back and chill. Also, I couldn’t hold it in, I was so excited!

I told my job early due to needing more appointments since I’m considered high risk and needed restrictions as soon as possible. Also in California pregnancy loss is protected and you can actually get paid time off in the event something does happen early.

Thank you!!! Did any of you regret telling work so early/ were there any cons to doing so? And did you tell just your boss or everyone at work?

I just told my direct supervisor and HR at first. I didn’t experience any cons from telling that early tbh.

I told them at 20 weeks, but I also wfh

I told my work the day after I was 12 weeks pregnant. A couple coworkers already knew so it was getting around.

I told work at 6 months, and I work from home so didn’t need any accommodations. Everyone at work has been very supportive. This is also my 🌈 baby. So I know the pain of telling people too early and then having to let them know circumstances have changed 🥺 Personally, I like to keep as much of my personal business out of my office / work life as possible

Oh okay, I work onsite every day and so I feel like people are going to start noticing probably at the 14 or 16 week mark! And also I’m traveling for work at 14 weeks and was thinking of maybe telling them I’m pregnant then, so that I have an excuse to skip the work dinners and go back to the hotel…

I told them at like 2 months I think so I could ask for my 4 day a week schedule back since I was commuting and had lots of appointments and told them I had fatigue. They were complete assholes and I almost found another job but luckily I didn’t so I was able to get the PFL I paid into. My sister in law told her job that she was new to and the manager treated her differently too so she left and got a different job. You can hide pregnancy for a long time. You just get wider. I was 29 weeks when I finally started getting a cute bump.

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