My bf/bd cat pissing everywhere when she gets the chance to

So my bf cat pissing on the carpets the small bath mat the fireworks he left on the floor on him while we was cuddling (just on him not on me ) while under a blanket clean luandry , and other things but that's the most things I've noticed cuase of the smell and seeing her doing it now and then but her box is clean by him a few days ago , she's able to use the hooded litter box but is choosing not to is that cyase she's jealous and marking her territory ? Or is she just doing it cuase she knows I'm pregnant and in a few months she'll not be the baby anymore? He claims she didn't do this when him and his ex / baby mama was pregnant but I don't believe that 100%
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Has she been to the vet to rule out anything medical? That's your first step.

@Heather he said she has but I'm unsure since I sleep during the days due to working nights

I'd follow up on that.

@Heather I'll be calling the vet that he said he took her to

My cat was going outside his box and it turns out he has diabetes

Yea usually when cats start pissing, especially right in front of you, they have a UTI or something wrong.

@Cassie she did it in the fireworks

What'd the vet office day when you called?

Definitely needs a vet peeing on softer things like you mentioned is a sign of UTI or it could be the litter

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