Anyone else feel so distant from their child free friends?

A group of my most treasured friends don’t have children, by choice. They’re wonderful with my daughter but one of them confided in me that they’re not sure “they’re ready to have a child in their lives” (meaning my kid), and maybe our “lifestyles aren’t compatible”. Our friendship began when our daughter was a baby. It’s not like we were friends first and then a baby came into the picture. It hurts a lot. Putting some boundaries in place and focusing more on my Mum friends! Does anyone else feel like their child free friends have either disappeared or become really awkward and not very understanding since you’ve had children?
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In my journey of having children, I have certainly lost certain friends that aren't on that path, with me. I'm okay and content with that. I get in life, that people drift because they are simply on different paths, and have gained new friends on the same path. Honestly those that don't wish to walk this journey with you, because they don't have children, aren't worth bringing any further into your future 🩷

I feel you! My two best friends barely ask about my son, one doesn’t have children by choice & one can’t get pregnant. We see each other every few months & it’s really sad

Yes we’ve definitely had this. Some show a complete lack of interest in our sons and us. Some sort of try but they just don’t understand our lives at all and it hurts that they don’t really try to understand or ask questions about how we’re doing with it all.

I’m in a different situation but somehow I can relate… in two totally different ways… 2. A friend of mine thinks she is the worlds first mother 😝 meaning she used it as an excuse a lot for not getting in touch of whatever and now, the kid is older but her partner left het and again… one way street… I got a kid too but if I don’t text I’m the bad friend 🤷‍♀️ 2. Most of our friends have kids that are older and we’ve noticed they got closer to people with kids the same age… nothing is as spontaneous anymore, we don’t feel a lot of interest of connection and I’m so tiered of always being the 5th wheel on the wagon 😖

I lost one best friend during my pregnancy and the my other best friend is caught in the middle of us. But I do feel like we are all in different chapters of our lives which has an impact, both are single and have no children but I’m married and now have a baby. I think jealousy has a lot to do with it I find. It’s sad that we loose people along this journey but it’s important to hold close to those who come forward to support And love you along the way. I hope you are able to see that this person maybe is just meant to be in that previous chapter of your life and not your next. ❤️

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