Holiday tips/essentials - long post, sorry!

I know there have already been a few posts about this, but I can’t seem to find them… We are taking our baby girl on her first holiday at the start of September, she will be just over six months old! Just looking for some tips on how to make travelling with a baby a smooth experience and also essential things that we should take with us? We already have a travel pram that’s super lightweight and folds down, I plan to take a fly net, fan and a sunshade for the pram too! We will obviously be packing all of the usual essentials like Calpol and things for teething (we are right in the thick of teething at the moment) as well as taking some toys to keep her entertained on the plane! Is there anything else that people can think of that I should take or has anyone already been on holiday with her little one and wished there was something they had taken to make it easier?
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*I’m also in 2 minds over if I should get a travel highchair, one that just folds flat when not in use and can be attached to any normal chair or if we should just hold her on our lap to eat*

@Tiegan if you're staying in a hotel, they'll likely provide highchairs for meal times anyway. But might be useful if you're staying in an apartment type place. Baby carrier is essential for plane and airport!! You normally don't get the buggy back til the luggage carousel so having a carrier to carry through security is helpful. I also found this really useful for lo to sleep in on the plane (with my first), as you can stand up and bounce a bit til they fall asleep and then sit down and still have arms free.

If you bottle feed, consider how you will sterilise - taking a jug or pot to sterilise / warm bottles up in is useful. And washing liquid and cloth/sponge to wash out the bottles.

@Jess we are actually staying with family!! My partner is lucky enough to have a gran who lives in Paris city centre😍so free accommodation for us (this is why I’m considering the high chair as she won’t have one)

@Jess shes ebf so thankfully I don’t have to worry about this🙏🏻

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