Is there anyone else who has decided to keep there LO out of nursery and at home with you everyday, because you can or prefer to?
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I don’t want to send my son to nursery at all to be honest

I feel like I’m being forced into it and I don’t want to

Yes, I'm home. Time is too precious and they growing up so fast thank god my partner feels the same. He doesn't want her to go to nursery at all and possibly be home schooled as well because of what is going on and what they teach children atm. She is going to go nursery next year for those 15h as I want her to make more friends incase she will be homeschooled.

Same as the above two ladies!

I'm so glad I came across this post because yes, I'm keeping LO home for as long as possible, I take him to childrens centres for socialising with other kiddies but am terrified of sending him nursery at all, even when he's eligible for the 15hours, I feel like I can't trust anyone to look after him as well as me but also worry about him not being used to the school environment, I might send him in September onwards as he will be 3.5 by then x

@Kate I feel the exact same, everyone saying that LO will have 15hours free so I should put him into nursery but I love having him home, he feels safe, is happy and thriving, the only aspect I worry about is he's quite reserved and shy but that could just be his personality x

Oh my goodness I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I feel exactly the same as all of the comments from the ladies above. Everyone keeps on about nursery to me but I just don't feel right in my heart sending my little boy just yet. I never went to nursery when I was growing up just a playgroup and then straight to infant school and I turned out ok, only a bit shy but I've always been like that. Do what you feel is right ladies and don't feel pressured x

My girl is staying with me for as long as possible 🫶🏼

Do want you feel is right for your child (try and stay bias) that’s the most important thing. Nursery is great!! My son loves it! I do not have the time or the energy to do all the different crafts, activities, learning, trips out they do each and every day.It’s magical!! I suppose I would have the time if I was a SAHM but the reality is I just wouldn’t do it to the same extent when they have all the materials and ideas. I love my son to bits but I would be incredibly bored having him home all day. I have a busy mind and a career so going back to work 4 days and him going to nursery was the right thing for our family dynamic. But that’s not to say it’s the right for all. I would send him for 2 days or a couple of mornings - it’s important for them to be away from you and to interact and also gives you a break!!!! Best of both worlds then :)

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