
Because of how much I get I’ve started buying fur Christmas now, but what do you get a 8 month old fur Christmas, it’s such an awkward age, there past the age of sitting and tummy time and there hand way into the waking stage so most things will already be bought, best I can think is a toy box!
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A toy box is a great idea, they really don’t care at 8 months tbh. The first Christmas is really special but they get so much from other people, even my daughter’s second Christmas I wish I had just stuck to a few books, she wasn’t bothered by presents at all and just wanted to play with whatever she had opened first. She then was really overwhelmed and upset by 5pm x

Couple of things she did love though from around that age though was stacking cups and a mini trampoline with a handlebar x

Wrapping paper and a box cause that’s all they will be interested in lol honestly I wouldn’t go crazy buying loads as they get gifts from others also and at that age quality over quantity is important

I'm only going to get a few little toys and outfits and anything big that she may need between Christmas and her birthday. My nice turned 1 a few months before Christmas a couple of years ago, and on Christmas day, she was soooo overwhelmed with all the gifts. She didn't enjoy it at all. There was too much, and she really only wanted to play with 1 thing at a time. I'm not getting my baby lots of presents for her first Christmas.

@Shenel I’m just thinking if hes not walking yet then trampoline would just be in the way until he could sue it, I’ve seen own for his birthday possibly but it’s such an alward age !

@Kacie at yeah that’s true maybe better for 1st birthday, i’m trying to remember what my first was using around that time, an activity table is good, or a walker, my little girl had this one$ja=tsid:59157%7Cacid:629-618-1342%7Ccid:20378155429%7Cagid:%7Ctid:%7Ccrid:%7Cnw:x%7Crnd:15138330811228643124%7Cdvc:m%7Cadp:%7Cmt:%7Cloc:1006518&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20378155429&utm_term=1937866&utm_content=shopping&utm_custom1=&utm_custom2=629-618-1342&GPDP=true&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9II9kbbJqSDjp_Tn6QzBYEcIgx9&gclid=CjwKCAjw74e1BhBnEiwAbqOAjFfqXypStPOzFcWK1dZyeQv7enEiaoMed6quM_6-XDgkO_Rt6q3q1RoCurYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

@Shenel yeah I’ve seen those and have one in my basket ready 😂, but some stuff they need it before the time you’d want to get it so I’m so unsure xx

Ive looked at what she will need for the next stage up, so 9-12m+. Could be clothes, first walking shoes, toy box, swimming lessons Shes getting her santa key (as we dont have a chimney), and a few other little bits to start her christmas traditions off

I've already agreed with the other half we will buy a toy box and a new set of jammies and an outfit for Christmas day and one decent toy. The rest will be given from family and friends and if it's anything like when she was born, it'll be way too much so we don't plan to go crazy!! x

Maybe you could buy some experiences for you to do together that are appropriate for their age in the coming year… for example, a local farm, soft play, aquarium, zoo etc. Then you can keep building memories throughout the year. You could do a photo book too to collect photos from the year ahead at those experiences in.

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