Potty training - no nappy heeeeelp.

We started potty training two days ago. We are doing nappy. I've just taken my LB on a car journey and I put a nappy on top of his boxers. Asked him if he wanted to wee before we left but he wet himself which is OK. He's still learning. Is it best to stay indoors for a week? Anyone doing no nappy and if so what do you do when you go in the car?
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I plan on buying a car seat protector (I’ll check with the car seat manufacturer beforehand) and think I’ll encourage them to go for a wee on potty before a car journey (like you do with kids who are toilet trained). That’s my plan anyway! I’m starting potty training next week! I don’t think I’ll go anywhere for the first week - but that’s just because I’ll be nervous 😆

I would stay home a few days/ go somewhere you can walk to that’s outside

I don’t go until he’s done a wee. He will go every time I ask him to

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