Back to 2 bottle a night 😩

I want to get him off bottles sooo bad, but if I can just stop the middle of night wakings at least i’lll take that 😭 I feel like out of no where he was doing pretty good for a bit, he stopped waking up and asking for a bottle. It was so sudden but ugh it was nice. Now he’s back to waking up and taking 2 bottles a night, idk what to do. I try putting him back to sleep without one but he HYSTERICALLY cries for a bottle, to the point that I can’t even hold him because he throws his body back tantruming so much. Literally nothing else calms him down.
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My baby just went through that. I think she was going through a sleep regression. After about 2 -3 weeks she went back to sleeping through the night. You could always try to cut the amount of milk in the bottle little by little so each night he gets a little less in his bottle but he still gets some. Maybe try cutting an ounce at a time.

Have you switched to a sippy cup? For us switching to a soft sippy cup helped. He’s very particular as to which sippy cup is his milk sippy. We also make sure he gets protein before bed. My son likes lunch meat or peanut butter crackers before bed and it helped a ton. No matter what, know that you’re a good mom and you’re doing your best!

Is he eating enough at night? I’ve noticed when my son doesn’t eat enough dinner he wakes up a lot earlier demanding milk right away😅

@Emily he’ll drink water from sippy cups and occasional milk but no it hasn’t been a full switch😩 I have been wanting to try reversing it, so that he only gets milk in sippy cups and water in bottles so hopefully he will lose interest in them. The protein is so smart, I will start trying that. He definitely didn’t eat much last night so it might have been why he woke up crying as much as he did this morning. What other protein snacks do you try? And thank you I really appreciate it !

@Shaine he definitely didn’t eat much last night so maybe that played a role 😩 bc some times he’ll only wake for one bottle and fall right back asleep but I felt like this night he was just over the top with crying lol. We recently moved in with my dad and it’s been a huge adjustment. Things still aren’t normal yet so I’m sure that always plays into it. Doesn’t help that my dad is always giving him whatever snack he wants, so he’s losing interest in eating his actual food 😩

@Sharon I have previously tried and he notices if a drop is missing 💀lmao. I will try again though since it’s been a little while! Thanks

Maybe you can have a cut off time for snacks in the evenings before dinner or have him play for 30 min - 1hr before dinner so he will be hungry enough to eat dinner. The snack cut off time is hard, I have to do it for my son bc he is a snacking machine lol I hope your dad is willing to accommodate and understand. It’s hard sharing space w someone and raising your kid in that shared space.

Can I ask why you haven’t switched the bottles out yet? I don’t mean this rudely I just thought by this age we wanting them to move to drinkinh with open cups soon? I thought usually after 12 months it’s recommended to switch to a sippy or straw cup for different mouth developments? Also sounding like an attachment kinda like with pacifiers! My daughter has been off bottles since right before her 1st birthday and never went back and she sleeps through the night for almost 10 hours each night! Ofc with a nice bath and full tummy. Wishing the best with switching off them bottles mama! 🥹

@Tatyana he takes sippys and straws to drink throughout the day but he is very attached to bottles and needs them to sleep 😭 I’ve tried putting him down without one and literally nothing soothes him, I’ve also tried giving him milk right before bed so that he at least doesn’t use it to fall asleep but nope he just fights his sleep nonstop if he doesn’t have one.

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