Colostrum harvesting

Hi girls! I’m 36 weeks tomorrow, when did everyone start collecting their colostrum? X liquid gold?? And did any of you hand express or pump ? Xx
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I started at 36 weeks, it’s best to hand express into syringes as it can get lost in a pump! Once you’ve expressed, the syringes can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months. It’s good to label them with the date that you expressed so they don’t get muddled 🤍

I started at 36 weeks and hand expressed. Found it challenging to get much to begin with but definitely seems to be easier and flowing more now! X

I'm starting tomorrow at 36 weeks too I'll be hand expressing and my partner will be on hand to catch any drops with a syringe x

@Morgan I have these silicone tubs that I can put them into and labels aswell will that be okay to store into aswell as syringes? X

@Maddy ahhh I’m definitely wanting to express it is pump not recommended? X

@Nance good luck xx is syringes better ? I have this colostrum collector but not sure c

My midwife said 1ml syringes are best, you get tiny drops at first so it can be hard to fill a syringe to begin with. A newborn's tummy only holds 5ml so you don't need to harvest much, I'm going for between 5 and 10ml total x

@Nance ahhh I see xx mine do have measurements on them they go up to 4Ml x do I just stick it in freezer until my delivery Day xx

Yeah just stick in freezer I'm putting mines in a labelled tupperware and bringing to hospital in a cool bag X

where did you all get your syringes from? i’m 36 weeks tomorrow and i’d like to start collecting x

@Abbie I got my these colostrum collectors from Amazon xx they came in a pack of two x and I also got a breast pump just in case xx

@Abbie you can get the syringes from your midwife ☺️

I started hand expressing from 37 weeks with these 4ml colostrum collectors from Amazon. The first time I barely collected anything but I’ve done it 3 more times since and managed to fill 2 all the way and I collected 3.5ml this evening.

I'm 36 weeks and for me it's an extra thing to worry about, which I've been told not to. Both my sisters and a few friends never did and they breastfed successfully straight away 😊

I started at 36 weeks and I’m using my breast pump to collect mine. Found it has worked the best for me with my first and second babies.

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@Char ahh! I do have the 4ML ones aswell form Amazon xx will definitely give it a try today c

@Han did you think it worked more effectively than hand expressing) x

Absolutely. With my first I got next to nothing by hand expressing and I did try again this time and had the same experience. It didn’t do me any harm last time. My baby came at 40+5. To be honest I can’t be arsed with the faff of hand expressing either.

@Han I actually totally agree, hand expressing yesterday made me so tired I just couldn’t , but as soon as I used my breast pump I literally got the perfect amount, I’m 36+1 and I got more on my left than my right, I’m with you there haha

Great news! My midwife wasn’t concerned about me pumping last time either. I’m the opposite to you, my right is the best at pumping and my left is the favourite for feeding, at least it was for my daughter anyway.

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