Feel a bit sad

My little girl is 2 next month and I feel like she has no friends! She has friends at nursery but I don't know their mum's so can't invite them to her birthday as that's weird? We don't have any play dates because we don't know anyone. I don't have a car so I don't take her to any playgroups and I feel like I've let her down. Anyone else feel like this? Her first birthday was just family but I thought her 2nd would be different. How do you meet mums?
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Tbh just playgroups, we go every day to different ones and have loads of friends now. I drive so it's easy for me. Maybe you can get to some of the playgroups by public transport? I'm sure your daughter will have the best bday with her family. Xx

I fully appreciate this post and get where you're coming from. As a mum that can't drive, I sometimes feel the same. I don't really have any advice other than trying to find some groups that are walking distance that you could maybe go to? Sorry you're feeling this way, Mumma! Just know you definitely haven't let her down xx

I can get the train but the best playgroup isn't accessible by train or bus or walking. It's just now I feel terrible

Don’t feel too bad. I take my little girl to groups and still didn’t invite anyone from them as I haven’t made that much of a bond with anyone I’ve met. I’m sure she will have a lovely time with family 🥰

Of course you can invite them to her birthday! I asked the nursery who my little ones friends are, they made a list and then I made party invitations and put my number on them for RSVps. Never spoke to their Mums before but now got a little group coming over for a play date and some nibbles next month. Don’t be put off! Xx

@Grace really? Have they replied? That's so lovely you did that! Maybe I'll be brave and do the same 😬😬😬 xxx

You can defo invite her friends from nursery 😊 we asked our daughters’ key worker at nursery for a list of names of who she plays with, then we gave them invites and they put the invites in the kids’ bags. I put a RSVP with my name and number and have had lots of replies xx

@Jenny that's so encouraging! I think I'll do it. Are you having a garden party or something? Xxx

Definitely! And don’t worry if a few don’t reply (we’ve had a few who haven’t but they’ve probs just forgotten!) We have booked a hall with a bouncy castle etc but tbf I wish I had just kept it smaller and done a garden party/ tea party 😂. They love anything at that age don’t they ask long as there’s something to play with ha xx

@Jenny that's true anything will get them excited lol thank you for your reply I've been talking about it to my husband and we're going to go for it! xxx

Aww good 😊 glad I could help! It’ll be nice to meet the mums outside of nursery too xxx

I feel the same although we have a car.. I drive her to crèche but don’t know the parents and I feel too exhausted to cater for many people so we will have just family BBQ. Mums in my street are friendly but too busy to socialise as they are working, rebuilding houses, expecting second babies.. so we just say hi on the street. We are moving next month so I will have to make new friends and find her space in crèche 2 days a week. Too tired to care 😅 Husband doesn’t want to do anything for her birthday and doesn’t allow her any cake or sugar so I found her wooden birthday train toy that takes candles 🎂

I was gonna say the same as Grace! Nursery staff I’m sure would be happy to facilitate this! The other mums don’t know you yet either and I’m sure they’d like to. I bet your LO’s nursery friends would come along. Xx

Sorry only just seen the notifications for this! We’ve had about half reply! We are having a garden party but putting up a b&q marquee and I have booked a Toddler entertainer to come round for 1 hour. Really hoping the weather holds out 🤣🤣 we were invited to another child’s birthday last month which was just going to their house, a disco ball, lots of bubbles and the kids loved it 🥰🥰 defo go for it! X

@Grace I'm going for it! I've spoke to nursery and have 6 names 😁 I've written the invites so they go out next week. We're going to do a bouncy castle I'm so excited I really hope they can come. Even just 3 kids would be amazing for her x

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