Workout routine

Any recommendations on my workout routine? Or anything I should change? I’m trying to build muscle (glutes), burn fat, shrink my waist. Here’s my current routine: Mondays/Thursdays Glutes/legs: squat machine, walking lunges, weighted calf raises, hip thrusts (using plates only not a bar), one legged deadlifts with plates) 45 minute walk Tuesdays/Fridays I do upper-body workouts that vary. Upper body days feel so easy that I wonder if I’m doing enough. Any tips? I also walk on 10 incline for 30 minutes on 3 speed. Wed/sat/Sun I rest but also try to I’m get in a walk or incline walk two of those days.
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Looks great. My rec is to ensure you are enjoying it if you want to stay consistent. I am loving treadmill time with guilty pleasure tv. And the peloton HIIT runs really boost my mood. Whatever your “yes” is, do that.

Can’t really judge your work out without knowing the sets and reps and weight you’re using. If you’re not pushing to failure reps then you won’t see much growth. It’s not easy to grow muscle mass and accomplish fat loss at the same time. When you say shrink your waist do you mean lose fat or tighten up? You need to eat in surplus for muscle growth and you need to eat in a caloric deficit for fat loss. If you try to do both you’ll exhaust yourself and lose the motivation bc I promise you, you will not see those results in 6 Months. Break it up into two different goals. Either first lose weight then build muscle or focus on building muscle mass by eating and then do a cut.

@paige Leg/glutes day I do 3 sets of: Squat machine, 25 pounds each side, 12-15 reps. Walking lunges, 10 pound weight each side, 10 lunges each leg. Hip thrust 35 pounds and 15 reps. One legged deadlifts 10-25 pounds 12-15 reps each leg. Didn’t workout my whole pregnancy so I’m a little weak right now 😅 I’m 5 months PP and I do have some fat around my waist but lots of loose skin that has slowly been tightening and I’m very weak in my core. I forgot to include that I do some core workouts on my upper body days. I’ve just started looking into counting macros for fat loss/muscle building. Or at least toning.

It sounds like what you’re doing is good for fat loss for sure! Just make sure you’re increasing your weight you use by 5lbs a week.

It sounds like you’ve got a solid routine going! If the upper body workouts are feeling a bit easy, maybe try ramping up the weights a bit or throwing in some challenging compound moves like bench presses or pull-ups to spice things up. Mixing up your leg day exercises occasionally can also keep your muscles guessing and help push past any plateaus. Incorporating some core-focused exercises could really help with shrinking the waist too. For an extra fat burn boost, how about adding a quick HIIT session once a week? It can be a game changer for upping the cardio and really melting that fat. And on those rest days, keeping things light with some stretches or a gentle walk for recovery. Just keep challenging yourself a little more each time, and you’ll be smashing those goals in no time! Keep it up, you’re doing great! 🎊❤️✨

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