Trying for a girl 💖🌺💖💗

Any tips on trying for a baby girl lol. I have a boy already, but I would definitely like to have a girl 🥰
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I’ve heard that the chances for a girl are increased if u don’t do the deed on peak day! So if u track ur cycles with LH strips try baby dancing like 2-3 days before predicted peak day

I’m currently 7 weeks pregnant and baby danced a few days before peak day so unsure if it’s true yet🤣I also have a boy that was conceived on peak day

Lol hopefully you get what you want. Thanks. I don't mind trying and seeing if it works, fingers crossed

It’s literally just dependent on your significant other, their sperm decides the baby’s sex, everything else is just old wives tails sorry to tell you, but I wish you luck and hope you have a healthy pregnancy and baby 💕

If you want a girl do it sex day time and after two two days not everyday 😬😁

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