Is it too soon to want another baby

My baby is 16 months and I want a little girl
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We started trying right after our son turned 1 lol. He's 16mths now and I'm 3mths pregnant. It's never too soon

It’s not too soon, I think it’s better to have the kids close in age , just my opinion

I’m due Sept 1st… they’ll be little less than 18m apart if he stays till due date !

Not to soon at all x

I’m due in Feb & our babies will be 23 mos apart!

My boy is 16 months & I’m 5 months preggers with a little girl 💕 You do you mama 🫶🏻

Due in November! My girl and this baby will be 20 months apart. I’m excited!

I’m right there with ya! I’m trying to wait will my sons a little closer to 2 or 3 but it’s hard to wait

I want another one (my first one is almost 3 and my second is 16 months, they are 19 months apart) but I'm nervous about adding another to the mix 😂

It is recommended to wait when your toddler is 18 months as this is when your body starts to be completely ready for another pregnancy concerning hormones and milk production and mental health. Ofcourse it differs from one woman to another but that what was told me medically.

I don’t think it’s too soon. I feel like you will know when you are ready. Im scheduled for a c section in less than 5 weeks so my kiddos will be 18 months apart. I think it’s doable

Close in age if you have support, if you can deal with the challenges mentally. If ur body feels good. There just isn't any scientific evidence that says having ur kids before 18 months makes them closer emotionally to each other. You have time

I want to try again now! I want to have my last and be done. I think 2-2.5yrs apart is a good gap

Thank you lady's for the positive support ❤️

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