Daughter master wee potty training, number two not so..

My daughter is 2 and a half and has master weeing on the potty but is petrified of pooing on the toilet, she will hold her self till in pants and poo in that instead but knows she shouldn’t so then gets really upset she’s done it! She tries to poo in the toilet by putting a blanket over her head so no one looks but she just struggles so much to poo on the toilet… any advice??
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No advice but I came here to post similar! We started potty training on Thursday last week. My daughter got to grips with wees within a couple of days and now we don’t even need to ask her if she needs one, she just takes herself to the potty. We went out shopping today and she said she needed a wee and was able to hold it until I could get her to a toilet. So proud of her! However poos are a different story. She’s only done 2 poos in the whole week and they were both in her pants. I think she’s now scared of pooing as she hasn’t been since Sunday! She also got so upset when she’d pooed in her pants, so I think she wants to avoid that, but also she doesn’t like the idea of pooing in the potty or on the toilet.

It's alot harder with poos. It comes with time just keep explaining to her poos go in the toilet not in pants

Yep, my little boy is perfect with doing a wee in the potty but won’t poo in there unless I can spot that he needs one and sit with him for 15 minutes. We have a lot of number 2 accidents

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