Advice ❤️

My son has his first lot of injections in 11 days any advice as I am a nervous wreck 😩 heard so many bad stories I'm just worrying so bad ❤️
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It’s very rear things happen all my kids had been vaccinated not an issue. Give him Tylenol and it be okay 😊

Thank u x @Kyley

Honestly they’re more traumatic for you! Give a dose of calpol straight away and lots of cuddles! Feed baby straight away if they’re inconsolable xx They’re a bit groggy for a few days but they soon get forget xx Good luck🤍

Thank you ❤️ I breastfeed so shall I just give him a dose in his mouth with syringe x @Jordan

Give him calpol an hour before the vaccination , it should be okay after and three hours after too

My advice is follow your gut. You feel nervous for a reason. I personally chose not to vaccinate and my kid is already 3 , super healthy and never gets sick.

Give him some Tylenol!! He will be ok mamma! It’s so much more emotional for us than them 💕💕💕

@Princess thank u x

@Lindsey thank u ❤️

Also would watch a shot in the dark by Candace Owen’s. She talks about every vaccine and the history behind everything.

@Millie yes give him 2.5ml of calpol in a syringe after. I think some even breastfeed while the injections happen or literally straight away xxx

I am not prescribing anything because I am a L&D RN, not a physician. However, from a personal experience, I did a modified schedule with my first. I did only 2 shots at a time and only if the 2nd shot was part of a series that was previously tolerated. My pediatrician did this with her own children. Yes, inflammation can be a thing. Fevers can be a thing. Combined can have adverse effects. Side effects happen more than are reported. If you feel uncomfortable, listen to those feelings! We have way more vaccines on the schedule for kids now than we had growing up. It's ok to take your time, it's ok to postpone, it's ok to not vaccinate. You are the parent and this is your little one. You are in charge, we as health care providers respect that. I highly recommend you do research also, if you are feeling uncomfortable. You can also ask for the full information packets for all childhood vaccines. Knowledge is power. However, if you truly read the packets, you will likely never vaccinate.

@Kyley tylenol before or after shots are a very bad combination, please don’t share this “advice” before doing thorough research on the effects or possible risks of it.

@Jordan yes my friend breastfed her kids and said she was breastfeeding while hers was having the injections helped calm her down a bit x

Follow your gut. I did not! My little guy didn’t do well on first so chose not to vaccinate him further. He is very healthy.

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@ Jamie is Been told by multiple drs and nurse you can do whatever . Thank you

@Jenn aww bless him what happened x

@Kyley I was gonna say a lot of people have said doctors advise it very much to give calpol after to help keep temperature down and try to help them becoming very ill x

I’m in USA and my first never had any reactions to anything. My second had a few mild ones like soreness or short-term fever. Just have baby meds on hand and you should be fine.

@Kyley lol just bc something is said by a medical provider doesn’t make it safe🥴

@ Millie I understand what you’re saying , never hard of that . I’ve had plenty of people I trust do Tylenol and trust some amazing drs not saying everyone is good and do your research but I have 5 kids and if done Tylenol and there perfectly fine ❤️

@Jamie I do appreciate you telling me be carful and I’m not saying your wrong I do believe we need to becarful , just never had any issues and I have 5 kids and they are fine 😊

they were more traumatic for me than my lo i cried for most of the day he cried for about 15 or so minutes, i gave mine calpol 3 times a day and she was okay, tbh he’ll probably just want cuddles and comfort most of the day and the day after x

@Princess sorry to jump on this but the nurses say to give calpol 5/10 mins afters in case there’s an immediate reaction the calpol masks xx

If you feel, it’s not right then don’t do it. I gave my son some injections and he’s fine but in my heart told me to stop giving him injections. He’s five years old right now and he’s gotten every injection except for the MMR. If you want to just go slow, don’t give him all injections in one dose. Do one like once a month or once a week spread them out, your doctor will understand.

I've heard lots of horror stories about vaccines as well. My older sister had a bad reaction to a vaccine when she was a toddler where the injection site swelled and she couldn't walk for around a month. My mom chose not to have us vaccinated from that point on after the experiance and doing her research and we were always healthier than our cousins who stayed up to date on their vaccines. Also, a guy I babysat for said his son started going backwards with talking and learning right after he was vaccinated. I chose not to have myself or my kids vaccinated and they've always been very healthy. Do your research and read the information packets but I totally wouldn't do it.

@Millie convulsion and extremely high temperatures. Very scary seeing this occurring in a healthy whole little boy. Our immune system is designed to keep our body in full vitality. I know this now and continue to thrive without vaccination. Thank you for asking x

All theee of my boys have had them and my youngest just had his a few days ago. He’s totally fine.

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