Head shaking

Anyone’s LO shaking head randomly for fun ?
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Hi. What do you mean by this ?

As in shaking head side to side as you do when sayiing no

Repetitively? My son does it, we are now on the process to diagnose him with autism as I have noticed many things that are different, with this I’m not saying yours could be the same, at the end your LO might be doing it for fun as well or to self regulate when he is very excited, that can happen as well :)

What does repetitively mean? He does it maybe a few times a week when eating maybe less ? Is that repetitive ? What other signs does your son have that are different if you don’t mind me asking ?

This means that is like do it once but with many shakes, like if you were for about 5 seconds saying no over and over again. Well, my son doesn’t speak yet nothing at all, doesn’t point at anything, has not much eye contact, he rather to play with objects more than with toys, he aligns things and then throw them away over and over again.

So he does it for up to 10 -20 seconds at a time is that repetitively ? So it doesn’t always mean autiism then ? As social media /google has made me worried lol. He does other things like spinning , occasionally tip toe walks etc but he talks , good eye contact , points etc and interactive so wanted to make sure the head shaking can be typical too

It is :), if your child is not showing anything else that could be different then it means is just something he does to self regulate:)

Ok thank you for the advice !

Mine does it, he likes the feel of his hair swishing around

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