Meltdowns and tantrums

Anyone really experiencing REAL meltdowns recently? I really thought I’d experienced the ‘terrible two’s’ tantrums, but the meltdowns recently are another level. We’ve recently got rid of the dummy in the day times, which I think is causing her to be emotional, resulting in her biting, (herself, her clothes etc). But if she gets frustrated with the smallest thing, a toy not working properly, me asking her not to do something (doesn’t listen so there’s a consequence) MELTDOWN!!! I hate seeing her so hysterical, just want to know it’s somewhat normal at this age please 🫣
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Yes, my daughter is 2.5 years old and has been doing this the last week or so. Inconsolable, screaming, going rigid, refusing to do anything. She also asks me for cuddles, or to hold her hand, mid tantrum and then why I try to she runs away from me. She seems to have a real battle between the tantrum monster and herself! It's so so hard and I'm 7 months pregnant, so struggling with patience! Sorry, no advice, just solidarity x

We had this for a solid month, every day multiple times, to be honest I'm just avoiding what I know will result in a meltdown as I was going crazy, her father booked her for a specialist appointment as she was a different child and he thought is something wrong with her and she needs to be seen 😅 we are 2 weeks now without meltdowns, only tantrums here and there but nothing major, however I'm trying to avoid them from the moment she wakes up until she goes to sleep, I'm walking on egg shells...

No offence girls but glad I’m not alone! Feels so lonely and worrying. I hope the tantrums ease for us all 🤞🫣!!! @Sam bless you! It’s hard being pregnant and having a toddler, I have a two month old as well and when I was pregnant with her that’s when my toddler started getting really attached and emotional around me. Took really well to baby sister, but recently the tantrums have been wild. Good luck!! The newborn stage is my absolute favourite, especially second time around 🥰

We’ve definitely had a few of these recently, more so since having my second baby a month ago. I think for my eldest it’s an adjustment to not being the centre of attention all the time anymore, having to wait to do the things she wants etc. I was fully expecting it but it’s hard! I think it scares her a bit, she’s finding her emotions overwhelming. We normally just have to give her space when she’s in that state, trying to talk to her and sometimes even just looking at her makes it worse. I just have to get down to her level and be ready to give her a cuddle when she’s calmed down enough. I would quite like this stage to be over! 😂

Omg yes! This morning it was because I said he couldn’t have a hot dog bun for his breakfast because we were having them for tea 🫠

oh yes!! Mine screeched the house down while I was making his breakfast, I ran over thinking he’d broken a bone or something the way he was crying - the actual reason was he couldn’t get the eyes in the right place on his Mr Potato Head 🙃🙃🙃

Yup, I wouldn't let him pick the unripe veg in the veg patch. You'd think he was being murdered

@Olivia she has been super clingy with me lately and gets really upset if her dad tries to do something with her. I.e getting her out of her car seat, only I can do it.. I wonder if it's to do with baby, something I'd not considered before! It was while you were pregnant they changed? Early on or later? Congratulations! X

@Sam I also think it's another attachment phase at this age because Jakob has been the same and I'm definitely not pregnant!

@Mel s ah ok thanks, I have mum guilt about bringing in a new baby so it hurts me to think that's why she has been so clingy. This is better news, but hopefully it passes quickly! X

@Sam yep! My daughter was like that dad wasn’t allowed to do ANYTHING. Like I mean even hand her a spoon or something, it was huge if he did it! It eased off after I had my second, but now the huge tantrums are in full force!!

@Olivia oh dear! It's so hard as when you're heavily pregnant and have that extra pair of hands to help, the last thing you need is to be the one who still has to do everything!? They must know on some level that things are going to change! So much to look forward to 🤪🙈. Sending strength! X

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