Baby sleep apnea

Has anyone had their baby tested for sleep apnea, who showed all the signs, and they didn’t have OSA or enlarged tonsils and adenoids? What was the outcome? Curious because I’m pushing hard on an ENT referral now because he’s waking a lot, usually with a dry cough from the mouth breathing and has always cocked his head back and had a slight snore. Had his tongue tie revised at about 8 months which helped with feeds but didn’t help the mouth breathing. If anyone has any experience in this I would love to hear. My mumsey sensors are tingling (and have been for ages but my god don’t drs love to blame it all on being a FTM / breastfeeding 🖕)
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Went through this with my son. He had stridor (squeaky breathing) when he slept and would wake up screaming and gasping for breath. He was never properly tested but it was decided by a paediatrician that he probably had laryngomalacia (floppy larynx causing breathing and feeding issues)... Thankfully he grew out of it at around 1year -18 months. But it was very hard pushing for support as it was all put down to being a FTM/ breastfeeding problems same as you! He had a severe tongue tie cut at 16 weeks. I only got the diagnosis of laryngomalacia when I took a video of his sleeping into a&e and they were like 'oh no that is not ok at all' and finally took me seriously x

Yes, we just did the sleep study last night! We don't have the results yet though so no outcome yet. But we have been told if it's not due to enlarged tonsils or adenoids it would be a neurological cause. For us I think it probably is his tonsils though. What is OSA?

@Rebecca oh really. I wonder what kind of neurological issue could cause this. What do you suspect it is? Obstructive sleep apnea is OSA and is usually the sleep issue diagnosed when there is enlarged adenoids or tonsils 😌 best of luck with the results! What was the sleep study like?

@Gemma I have heard of this, never realised it could cause such an issue. Whenever I’ve heard about it they make it sound like a non-issue! Terrible that no one took you seriously until that point. Shocking how mums are treated, especially new ones. Did they suggest anything to manage it prior to him growing out of it?

They suggested tilting him onto his side if he started showing breathing difficulties and that seemed to help him. Otherwise it was just a waiting game and it improved as he got older. Hope you get some answers for your little one x

@Gemma thank you!

@Helen it's basically where the brain forgets to breathe. Ah of course! I just didn't realise the acronym. Yeah I definitely think it's the obstructive kind rather than neurological for our boy as he has issues with his tonsils often anyway. It was actually fine! I was dreading it so much as thought we'd have an even worse night than normal but he was fine with it! No idea when we'll get the results though, they just said we'll hear from ENT with them but couldn't give us a timescale.

We had the sleep issues and lots of ear infections so chose to see private ENT as it was getting really bad. He was a mouth breather all day and all night. Now having had tonsils & adenoids removed he’s a different child

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