last pregnancy

is this anyone else’s last pregnancy? it’s so bittersweet. my daughter is 4 months old (born march 2024) and i’m due in march again of 2025. This will be our last baby and i don’t think im ready for it to be over 😭
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This is my third and last pregnancy! I have a 13 month old (June 2023) and an almost 3 year old (September 2021). 2 boys and due end of March! I hate being pregnant but trying really hard to enjoy this go around.

@Chelsea my first pregnancy was so easy 😭😭 but this one is kicking my ass. trying so hard to love every moment

@Chelsea I’m in the same boat!! I have a 3 year old and 12 month old and this is my last! Are you planning to stay home with the kids or do you work? @sarah definitely sad for my last! But I don’t love pregnancy haha

@Margaret I work full time from home so I can breastfeed throughout the day. I unfortunately make too much to quit. I am in the process of become a health coach though so hoping that can provide some more flexibility too! How about you?

@sarah all my pregnancies have been horrible! I get hg and am sick and tired the whole time.

@Chelsea that’s great!! I’m home full time now but thinking I’ll need to go back with the new addition…’s just tough because child care is outrageous!! I’m an RN by trade so unfortunately I don’t make much money at all. Definitely trying to figure things out haha. Luckily my husband does well but three kids are expensive

@Margaret I hear you! Kids are definitely expensive!

This is my 2nd and last (not including miscarriages). I have a 2 year old that was a miracle herself (born at 33w3d), and she was touch and go for her 5 week NICU stay. She's great now, but it was very hard to watch knowing there was nothing I could do to help my child. As much as I want to be excited and really enjoy this pregnancy, I'm just so terrified it won't end with a baby coming home from the hospital.. Due date, March 1st, but doctors said to not be surprised if they can only keep her in until January. I start my high risk appointments at the end of August (when I hit 2nd trimester)

This is my second pregnancy, and I’m still unsure if it will be our last or not. My husband and I both love the idea of adoption, so I think we may want to adopt 1 or 2 after this! So while it may not be my last baby, I’m like 75% sure it’ll be my last pregnancy!

@Angie I'm so sorry you had to go through that! Hopefully this pregnancy will be a better experience. I didn't include my miscarriage either. I had one before my first and it made it hard for all following pregnancies. Even this one I was a bit anxious when I found out.

Yes this is my last pregnancy too and it’s very bittersweet. Will be my third baby and I’m already so drained that i know I can’t do anymore after this. I dont even know how I’m going to manage energy wise with this baby🫠😅

This is my second and last baby. We are grateful we got the go ahead to have a second after multiple doctors said I shouldn’t have more. No risk to baby, just to me. But I found an amazing care team at the best hospital in our state who are very confident in their ability to care for me and our unborn baby. I understand it can be hard to accept, but look on the other side of things. You will have two beautiful babies to love and care for and what a blessing that is ❤️

This is my 3rd baby & last. My pregnancies are always A LOT, so I do not enjoy pregnancy at all.

@MJ. You and me both!

@Chelsea @Margaret We're all pretty much in the same life 😂 I have 2 girls (October 2021 and August 2023) and due March 7th with this one. I'm also an RN turned SAHM.

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@Melaina no way!! Are you planning to stay at home once the baby arrives or are you thinking of going back into healthcare?

@Margaret Yes, the plan right now is me staying home indefinitely. What about you?

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