Gestational diabetes

Hello, I am 28 weeks pregnant and I have gestational diabetes and my blood glucose was fine. But today i went for dinner outside and it was 8.7. I am freaking out. I don’t know how to deal with it. I am so health freak and I was so surprised with this gestational diabetes. Now I am really conscious about it.
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I had this with my little girl, sometimes mine would spike above 10 and the midwife’s put me on metformin which helped! Staying active and walking after meals helped to bring it down as well x

Normal blood sugars range from 4-7mmols I wouldn’t personally worry especially if you’ve been out for dinner also. Things like the weather can also have an effect on blood sugars X

I had GD with my first pregnancy and it used to surprise me so much which foods would cause my blood sugar to spike. Movement after eating really helps to bring it down fast. If you go for a walk for 15-20 mins afterwards, you might find yourself back in a normal range relatively quickly.

I know how you feel. I was diagnosed the same time as highest reading was 8.8 and it was after lunch. I suppose this depends on what you eat also, how much movement you make in that 1 hour after you eat...even if you are a health freak it's nothing you have done, it's because of pregnancy hormones, don't blame yourself😘 I felt the same, but the more I progress in prgnancy, I got bad and good days. Sometimes even if I respect nutrition and movement, if I don't sleep well, my readings are off the chart...

@Holly I hope they don’t put me on insulin that’s what I am worried about

@Yogeeta I think they prefer to try tablets first and then insulin if the tablets don’t work! I might be wrong xx

@Jess i will religiously go on walk from now. It really freaks me out . Thank you for your reply🤗

I have gestational diabetes and I am insulin for it have been for all my pregnancies it's not as bad as it sounds even if you need insulin you will be okay I don't do anything different I just inject once at nighttime, you will be fine I promise x

I literally ate 2 crumpets and mine went to 8.3, it’s just figuring out what foods make it spike like for instance I know I can’t eat more than 3 slices of pizza, crumpets or mayo chickens from McDonald’s as they have all caused mine to spike.x

I’m 28+2 and I got diagnosed last week too. I’ve been experimenting what spikes mine and what helps. I’ve found a higher protein meal keeps it nice and low but as soon as I add potatoes or wholemeal bread it spikes. I’ve just had some toast with lots of peanut butter to see how that affects me. Also I’ve been either walking or doing a 15 min gentle cardio work out on YouTube and every time I do my levels are beautiful so exercise is definitely a way forward for me after meals. Feel free to drop me a message if you want x

I got diagnosed with GDM at 11 weeks although I have PCOS and a history of diabetes in both sides of my family so it was expected. I’m on metformin and insulin and tbh it’s not that bad, give me the insulin over the finger pricking any day! The past 2/3 weeks my sugars are really bad so I’ve had to adjust the insulin much higher than I would have liked but as some of the previous comments say it’ll be down to what you eat and finding what causes a spike and what doesn’t. Foods higher in protein and fat are much better for you than carb heavy foods so it’ll just be adjusting your diet to what suits you and your sugars x

@Laura 🌻 I also do the same but I regret when my cravings go up. But it’s really helpful. Thank you x

@Taylor 😄

@Vicky I am also figuring out, what helps or what not. I am pure vegetarian. So, I am also experimenting with the food.

@Yogeeta I’ve found I can still eat a Mars bar after a meal too which is great! Biggest craving atm, sugars are lower after a mars bar than after a small pizza 😂

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