
Baby is almost 4 months and looks like his teeth are coming in 😭 how long does it take for them to come through?? About 2 weeks ago he was in so much pain but it has seemed to plateau
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following bc we’re in the same boat over here lol

My son has been teething since he was 3 months and he’s almost 8 months. And still nothing 😭

My little boy has just got his first tooth at 4.5 months. He’s been teething for a while and we could see the teeth coming but he’s been alot worse this past two weeks so we knew it was coming 🤍

But they say around 6-12 months

@Selena geez!! that’s so crazy

@Ebony Rose ooo ok thank you i feel like that will be our case too, he’s sooo drooly 😅😅 thank you!

They all take their own time, my little ones top 2 too the longest because they are the bigger teeth, but with the small ones some took a week and others took 2-3 weeks to fully come through! It’s a horrible thing because there’s no specific time, just try sooth as much as possible Calpol if really unsettled xx

Lol my 15 month old STILL has teeth coming through

@Rachel thank u😇

@Selena we were in the same boat, pediatrician said she was teething at her 2 week appointment but she didn't cut any teeth until 13m 😵‍💫

Yes he most likely is ! My youngest showed teething signs early (around 3 months) and her tooth popped out at 6 months!! .. most people did not believe me though go with your instincts.

Yea my pediatrician told me she was teething around 5 months. She just got her first tooth last month when she was 11 months and she had 4 teeth pushing through at once. Every baby is different and you usually won’t really know for sure until you feel the first tooth cutting through.

My baby girl started teething at 3 months. She's now 8.5 months and I'm just now seeing a little white bump on her gums that her first tooth wants to sprout, but still nothing yet.

@Favi I just want him to have teeth so he can start eating the food we eat😭

@Selena they don't need to have teeth to be able to eat! My daughter has been eating solids since 6m without teeth, she just gums it

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@Aamira even meat and French fries and hot dogs and stuff?

@Selena hot dogs and sausage should be avoided from my understanding, but she eats chicken, steak, ground turkey/beef... You should download the solid starts app 😁 it's been super helpful for me on what to serve and how ~

@Selena what kind of food? We pretty much gave our baby everything we ate from 6 months as long as it wasn't hard like tortilla chips. By 9 months she had eaten pretty much everything

@Aamira I will!! I had no idea about the app.

Definitely ~ it's super helpful. Also recommend looking up the difference between choking & gagging so you'll feel more at ease when he's eating (I used to panic a lot at first myself). Good luck mama 🫶🏽 you got this.

@Rachel same !!

@Brianna 4 at once ?! poor bby

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