Please help

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years, we have had a few chemical pregnancies in the past but I just found out today confirmed with a blood test that I am 5 weeks pregnant. This is something we have both wanted. I have a child from a past relationship and he has no children. I am 32 and he is 30. He is aware that I am currently pregnant and he said he’s nervous but this is what he wants as do I. Today I looked at his search history on google and I saw he looked up when is it too late to take an abortion pill. This is a huge red flag to me and absolutely heart breaking. Idk if I’m overreacting and it could just be because he’s scared or nervous but this has not been voiced to me. Idk what to do at this point.
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Just ask him.

@Brittney I did and he said he wants this he’s just nervous and than I saw that

Bring up what you saw on his search history and ask him what is it he actually wants, bc this is the time to be honest bc you thought you both were on the same page about it.. then tell him how it makes you feel about everything, after seeing that.

I don’t even understand what he was doing searching that up? Like was he going to buy the pill and crush it and put it in your drink or something or actually bring it up to you and convince you to take it knowingly? I get that he’s scared, but to me that’s such an odd thing to search if he really wanted to have a baby.

I think he’s just nervous and all kinds of different scenarios and options are just crossing his mind. I would calmly ask him about it but apologize for going through his history. You don’t want him thinking that you do this regularly so maybe just say you had a weird gut feeling and checked but you would never normally do this…although I imagine that he probably won’t really believe you. Just beware of that because you might be opening the door to other issues if you do tell him you went through his history. Maybe just tell him you had a dream that he asked you to get an abortion and you’re getting a feeling that he’s having second thoughts (if you wanna avoid telling him you went through his computer!) and just hope that he’s honest and tells you that the thought crossed his mind but only because he’s feeling nervous and scared. I wouldn’t look too much into it because why would he act like he wants the baby if he really doesn’t. Having doubts and fears are normal.


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