Positive 32 weeker stories

Hi ladies I've been pushed as far as I can with my pre-eclampsia and Babies are coming in the next 48 hours, just had my steroid shots ! Please send me photos of your 32 weekers my twins are around 3lbs 11 0z each xx
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Hi, no experience with 32 weekers, but do have experience with a 23 weeker, born at 1lb5oz he is 16months now & doing very well. Stay strong mama, sending you lots of love & prayers hopefully your babies wont stay long in NICU & do really well ❤️. When we were in NICU we did have alot of 32weekers who were sent home around 34-35weeks ❤️ they monitored their feeds and they came off oxygen pretty quickly x

32 weeks + 5 my daughter was born back in 2022 she was 3lbs 4 ounces. Now 2 and a half and has been absolutely thriving from the get go. She’s hit every milestone she’s now a bossy little diva that people can’t believe was premature when they meet her. When she was born she spent 11 days in icu in the incubator and then 12 days in special care. She needed cpap and to gain weight once she gained the weight up to 4 pounds she was home and been thriving ever since. You got this mama! 🥰🙌🏻

@Courtney thank you so much!! It's giving me strength! Xxx

@Nadia what a little miracle!! Xx

28 weeker here. 2lb 4oz. 53 day NICU stay. He's 21 months now nearly 22. He's healthy and running around babbling away. NICU was a scary place, but they helped us massively. Answered all the questions we had, helped us change and clothe him got him out of the incubator for us to have cuddles with every day. He only needed oxygen and tube feeds while in NICU and came home with neither at 5lb 5oz. Ask all the questions while you're there, don't feel stupid doing so.

I had twins that were born 32w & 1d. Twin A was 3lbs 9oz and Twin B was 3lbs 3 oz. I had a scheduled c-section and I was terrified that they were coming so early. They spent about 1 month in the NICU. They are currently 15 weeks old and besides being on the smaller side for their age they are doing fantastic.

I had pre eclampsia and had my little boy by emergency section at 34 weeks. He was 4lb 9 and spent 5 weeks in Nicu. It’s a rollercoaster but he’s 18 months now and you’d never know he was prem 💙 good luck xx

My little girl was born at 32+1 weeks weighing 4lbs 1oz and came out breathing on her own, needing no assistance or treatment besides jaundice radiotherapy and support with feeding. My waters broke at 23 weeks so I was given two steroids injections over a 24 hour period to prepare for an early delivery, however our little lady managed to hold out until 32 weeks. The morning of my c section I was beginning to experience unbearable pain in my previous c section scar and I was told that this was due to scar breakdown and the beginning stages of a uterine rupture. I was given another steroid injection as I was being taken down to theatre meaning I had had 3 in total, and thankfully our little girl came out in perfect health. She never had any issues or setbacks besides jaundice and was in NICU for only 26 days to assist with her feeding development. She’s now 11 weeks old and weighs 8lbs 9oz 😊 These little preemie babies are absolute fighters! All the best with your twins lovely 😘

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