"Let's talk about it... Better yet, can we talk about it? *Safe conversation please*

Start a safe conversation about the little things that bother us that we may not want to talk about. Not to trigger, harm or upset. Just a safe place. If you have ever watched a Psych2Go video on YouTube, think of it like that please. We have to be taught how to love as well as "life" đź’•
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I am still working on controlling the fact that I get upset with my daughter over simple things even when I know she's just excited to explore.

Im still trying to figure out how to juggle all aspects of my life and I get SO overwhelmed and shut down and I hate that I can't get through a single day without doing so

I hear you mama. I am just now getting to a point where I can manage what's on my mind but I'm so terrified of losing track of the little things.

@Ashley do you write at all?

@LadyAnkh I do!

I believe that's a good basic to remember when you get overwhelmed. I am not practicing it enough just yet, but I keep reminding myself that I need to soon. Just writing down the most important things to focus on, maybe 3 things or so and then putting it somewhere you'll see often.

I’m struggling to separate my emotions from my son. Most of the time when we blow up on our children it’s because our emotions bubble over and we take our stuff out on them. I’m trying to separate them so I don’t do that anymore. I’m trying to grow and a person and as a mother. My son deserves the best, and he was given to me, so I must do my best for him. 🫶🏻

I’m still working on being motivated with playing with my daughter and not getting upset over small things with her or stressing us both out bc I’m feeling like we are burdening people we hang out with

@Bella I found that medication really helps me with managing my emotions. I've always been told I'm very passionate and emotional. Those two combinations don't mix very well with negative emotions. Listening to some sort of slow calming music helps me remember the feeling of meditating, so when I'm doing something that may get overwhelming to me, it helps when I have that music in the background.

@Genese my goodness. And that's a really hard cycle for me to pull myself out of. It's easy to get stuck in a loop of basically telling yourself that you aren't good enough or doing enough. And then all the underlying negative emotions that go into that pours over into other aspects of your life such as being in the right head space to actually play with your child. I go through this all the time because I'm constantly trying to keep up on all the big things.

I definitely stuck to isolating me and my child because I have no problem avoiding people if I'm not in a place to socialize mentally, but my daughter just started daycare last week and so now I'm juggling all the house duties, potty training at home, and adjusting to new behaviours she's learning in Daycare. I currently find myself getting overwhelmed still, but it's for much shorter periods since I've been actively practicing yoga.

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