Anyone’s baby here yet?

Has anyone’s August baby made their appearance yet?? I’m due August 3rd and crying. Didn’t think I’d be pregnant this long😅😂 Got a membrane sweep today and I’m 3cm so hopefully this weekend🩷
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I’m due August 4th So far no signs of labour It feels too long waiting…

I’m due 6th august but gonna have him 31st July as he’s breech unfortunately so having a planned c section

Due August 1st and no signs either 😂 just cramping on and off

Mine was due August 7th. My waters broke July 10th with no warning and I gave birth to her 60 hours later 😅 I WANTED a long pregnancy cuz I knew all the benefits of baby development in utero and I was totally hoping she'd take her time getting out but nope. My mum told me afterwards "oh yeah both you and your brother were born a month early too" thanks mum, could have told me that before so I could have prepped my freezer and sorted through all the baby clothes BEFORE the 36 week mark. 😭

I'm due August 5th but have been in labour since 2am. I am now 3cm 15 mins apart Feeling pretty good overall. 🥳☺️

Due August 6th!! No signs of labor at all. Which makes me think 🤔!! Getting cervix check & membrane sweep coming Tuesday, let’s see if things progress then!

@Amanda due August 30th but im in the same boat

@Laura Wow you're early! Nice!

I’m supposed to be due August 4 but getting induced Sunday 🤗🤗

my csection is booked for monday at 9:30, my due date is august 4. baby girl is real comfy and i think shes gonna be mad that shes getting pulled a few days before her due date😂

Due August 11th and in hospital now cause my waters have broken (38 weeks) xx

Due Aug 3rd, but babygirl was born today!! 5lbs 14oz 🥺💓

Congratulations @Jaliema 🎉🎉🎉

@Jaliema congrats girl!❤️

@Amanda best of luck on delivery! Prays are with you❤️🥰

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@Keishanna I’m supposed to be the 3rd and getting induced tommrow xxx

I was due August 7th. Went for an induction on Monday and after a failed induction I gave birth to him through c section yesterday x

My due date is August 3rd as well but I am getting induced this Sunday. I was 2cm last Friday at my appointment. So hopefully everything goes quick cause I’m so over being pregnant lol

I’m due 4th Aug no signs yet, babies will come when they’re ready- if not they will just need a nudge x

I’m due on august the 2nd and have my first sweep today so hopefully this weekend too ! I did not think i’d make it this far 😭💙

I’m due 3rd August got my section booked for Monday at 7.30am

I'm not due til 25th August but hoping to get induction date at next appointment next Friday 🤞

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