House training a troubled dog?

Okay I'm in a weird situation. I do not want this dog, but I want to help her. This situation is not her fault and she's not a bad dog but she has house training issues. My uncle is in the hospital and possibly entering hospice and a nursing home soon. We do not have a good relationship and I've barely spoken to him for months before this, but his dog is not at fault for our issues. She has stayed with us a bit when he was in the hospital before but she has accidents becuase she will not let us know she needs out and it is a fight to get her to even go out. She behaves with our dog and cats though. This is the only issue! I'm leaning towards getting a dog hiuse and having her stay out at night? There is no issue with her staying in the yard, but weather is the concern as well as working on trust with her so I'm not a fan of the idea but might be the only way to keep the house from being a mess when we are asleep or not home to force her out every few hours. Another issue with her is once we manage to get her out she either refuses to leave the porch or goes to hide under the car, I assume it is comforting because she is used to sleeping under my uncles bed. So far she will not leave his house. His home was already a mess and she is scared so I'm over there several times a day to check on her and try to get her to come out from under the bed. Once she actually will go outside on her own I'll bring her over to our home, which is right next door. I'm not crawling on his nasty floor, sorry. I just need help figuring out how to house train her! I do not want to be forced to rehome her, this is not her fault! She is not a puppy. She's maybe close to ten? I really do not know. She's not big.
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You'll need to introduce her to a dog bed/crate/safe space.. lay with her and feed her or offer treats in that spot so she can have a positive connection to it. Preferably placing this close to the door she'll be entering and exiting to potty. You'll have to introduce the word 'potty' this is easiest done when on a leash or right next to the doggy. You pretty much say the word everytime she goes and lots of praising when she's done. You might want to set a timer every 30 min or hr while she gets used to it.

@Mayte crate inside probably be the best option, better than an outside dog house. Might work. I worry becuase how long she's lived with him with no training. She's a good girl, has done well with my cats and my dog when she's been here before when he's been gone. This is her only issue. I only work weekends so I can make that work, I already have a leash and collar for her I got before he came home from the last hospital stay. Shes never worn collar or Leah's or ever been to the vet. He's not going to be coming home this time I think though. It won't be quick but a crate will at least contain the bed time mess and I can clean it. She only really needs it for night or when we are gone.

@Mayte I think we even have an old crate in my mom's shed somewhere. I'll look tomorrow.

Oh great! I wish you the very best of luck!

You need to get doggy bells on the door and hit her paw on them every single time you bring her out. It works. Also if she feels comfortable in a crate you can just crate train her and have her sleep in there. Make sure to cover it with a blanket to make it feel more like a hutch and something for her to lay on too. You can feed her in there or give her high value treats every time you put her in. And make sure you start slow don’t just throw her in there and leave her for the night. Start with ten minutes during the day and then let her out. Work your way up to a hour. And get her checked out so you know she doesn’t have bladder issues. She should never pee or poop on herself in the crate. If she does there’s something wrong, she truly needs to go outside more often because she can’t hold it. Also, as you said about working on trust, give her 4-6 months and she will probably be a totally different dog. I really wouldn’t make her sleep outside especially if your other animals don’t.

@Mayte she actually seems to love the crate and naps in it on her own with the door open! Loves jerky treats. She doesn't know how to play with toys sadly. Going outside is weird. But I can get her off the porch and walk around a bit now. Only small accidents in the house so far and none in the crate yet. It's gonna take time. Confirmed my uncle is not coming home, but he has improved so hospice is off the table for now, he's looking at nursing homes. Gonna be calling the vet we use soon for appointment and fill work up for her. Feeling hopeful. I just need her potty trained before I'm too big prego, only 6 weeks right now, to clean up when hubby is at work! But we will make this work. She's such a good cuddly girl.

@Cassie she seems to love the crate and likes to nap in it during the day on her own. She's used to sleeping under my uncles bed so it probably feels comforting to her, gave her one of his shirts too so that helps. She loves jerky treats too, shes never got treats living with him. No accidents in the crate. Her potty issue is she's just weird about going out. I think she's afraid to be left out like he always did. I think once she trusts me that we are going in and out together she will do better. It will take a while but she's such a good girl. He's not coming home, he's officially looking at nursing homes, so thankfully I don't have to be forced to send her back to him and his neglect.

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