Don’t beat yourselves up

Some of our babies are just poor sleepers and nothing you’ve tried has ‘fixed’ their sleep patterns. All I’ll say is you know your child, the obsession with wake windows and reduced naps and blah blah I’m long passed it(I have a poor sleeper, my son is now 2 and this has been the case from the very start) you know your child, do what works for them, some people are blessed with perfect sleepers who can be down from 7pm till morning or whatever, some are down at 7pm but wake up 4748838 times at night, some are down at midnight and sleep till morning, some still wake up 738338 times at night regardless of how late they’ve gone to bed. Though it’s so fricking difficult, so so exhausting, that’s just the reality for some of our babies and unfortunately it could last from babyhood till whenever, we can’t control these things. So don’t beat yourselves up.
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YEEEEESSS! 👏🏻👏🏻 Also, have a little research into babies temperament traits as they have a HUGE influence on their sleep

Well said!!!

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