When they think you aborted

Ultrasound tech today assumed I was having a pelvic exam after an abortion 💀 I had a missed miscarriage but I felt so uncomfortable I just didn’t say anything. She was hella mean to me lmao. Way to make a terrible thing more terrible for me jfc
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Why would she even say that, even if that was true that’s highly inappropriate . I would report her 🤷🏼‍♀️

This makes me so mad. My first miscarriage my midwife did an ultrasound then sent me to the hospital for a second opinion. The tech said I don’t get why you are here I don’t see anything. I explained that my midwife wanted me to get a second opinion so she did the transvaginal and she’s like nope no heartbeat the doctor will call you with the results. Then we went to leave and she’s like sorry about today. My mother in law was with me and we were both so confused.

Ughhh I’m sorry. They truly need special training. I can relate to these stories it’s just rough. Zero empathy and sensitivity to the situation that is just awful to go thru.

This makes me so mad. My first was a missed. When I went in at 12 weeks to find out they passed around 9. I asked if I needed to come back for anything, he looked me dead in the eyes and told me “no, you’re baby’s dead you don’t need to come back”. I carried them until 15 weeks.. still haunts me to this day.. 😞

I totally understand your frustration and am so sad at the lack of empathy from yout tech. I have learned after my miscarriage they are sometimes called "missed abortion " i seen that on my paperwork and i literally cursed my doctor out until he explained to me why it was called that. And in my case i was miscarrying but it took awhile for me to pass everything . I had to get bloodwork done for 8 weeks until I tested negative ....I am not defending them in anyway and I hope you dont take it that way.

@Bella oh my god that's awful 😢 as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed as not viable they could not care less about your welfare

@Emma The worst part is I told my partner at the time, I told my nurse when we went in, I told my doctor “something isn’t right, I think I lost them” “oh you’re not bleeding you’re fine” “your just nervous” is what I kept getting… Then not a single person comforted me when they realized I was right.. the UST was the only one who said she was sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ They just shoved me out the door. I called back at 11 weeks saying I hadn’t passed them. Got a call back from my doctor himself at the time and got told “wow, you’re really persistent aren’t you? You can wait a little longer or I can give you abortion pills or an abortion” like it’s not either.. it would be a D&C.. or misoprostol.. he was so rude… I ended up driving 3 hrs away to get a better doctor it was ridiculous.

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