End to nursing 😢

For 2 years and 8 months I’ve breastfed my daughter. I weaned for the past couple of weeks but this week I implemented a hard stop. It’s been difficult for the both of us to say the least. Anyone else still nursing ? Any tips on how to make it through the quitting cold turkey part of weaning ?
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Weaned my 2 year old cold turkey not long ago. Just stayed consistent. She still would whine and grab at me but I would sleep in a sports bra and redirect her. She doesn’t even try anymore. It’s so hard to make the switch but I’m glad to have my boobs back.

I'm still nursing my 2y9mo kiddo but it's exclusively for bedtime. My hubby and I have been talking about the final transition. We're planning on getting a special "bedtime" cup of the toddler's choosing and we've been toying with the idea of sugar free chocolate milk to get him even more excited about it. We're anticipating he'll still have big emotions and it usually takes him a couple of weeks to adapt to a new routine. So really, it comes down to the behavioral patterns your toddler currently has (I know it's easier said than done since their moods can flip so easily).

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